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Posts posted by dmandoes

  1. 28 minutes ago, crappyice said:

    How early does EHD start to rear it's ugly head?
    Or, more optimistically, when can we breathe a sigh of relief that it is not showing up this season?

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    I would think anytime now.  Last year, middle of August was bad.  The smell of dead animals was everywhere at that time.   

  2. 11 hours ago, eaglemountainman said:

    I'm hunting Oregon this year and staying out of Wyoming for awhile. Hopefully,things will turn around in a few years and the antelope and deer herds will recover. They've taken a beatin' the last 3-4 years.

    Did u find an outfitter?

  3. 11 hours ago, ncountry said:

    I see what point creep is now.lol.. Last year I settled on a unit to hunt based on the previous years close to 100% draw rate for mzl. Afterwards after looking at the statistics I see we were lucky because the success rate was around 50%. So I figured this year we might have a 50/50 odds of drawing a mzl tag and if not there were left over archery tags.. No luck at all.. It changes our plans but that's ok. We were a little on the fence anyways. 

    Should we go back to an area where we saw 1 bull (and shot) and 0 cows and know a little bit.  We did find fresh sign and had a plan for this year with a comfortable cabin that we drove our sxs from.

    Or to another unknown area that traditional has more elk(and people) anyways.

    Now the plan is an otc archery tag somewhere new. Maybe for the better. ;)

    I would check the old spot and if not there keep moving and looking. Don't tie yourself down. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, dbHunterNY said:

    We took some way back this is what's left. How much do you want?

    Yes both roundup ready.

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    My corn and beans r planted for this year. If u can't get rid of the soybeans I'll take what's left over.  I would like to order some for 2023. Let me know when u r taking orders. I think u r the closest branch to me selling seeds. Thanks   

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