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Posts posted by coonhunter

  1. Meat First, the fields are baring up, and some of the woods are starting to get fit for walking. You will get some areas in the woods that are still holding a lot of snow. Probably worth the trip by this weekend because it will be raining and staying above freezing for most of this week. Supposed to be decent weather by the weekend. Bring waterproof boots because it will be sloppy.

  2. One thing to consider when a youngster is starting out is the fact that they could accidentally have their finger on the trigger while they are drawing the bow. This could result in an arrow striking someone, or something. Or, their hand and release could strike themselves in the face. Pretty easy to transition to a release later on. 

    • Like 1
  3. Awesome coon First Light. I have skinned a lot of coons over the years and thought I had treed a bunch of 30+ pounders. I shot out a huge one one night that the hounds treed and I thought it might weigh 40. Instead of skinning it in the woods like normal, I carried that thing all the way back to the car. It was the biggest coon I ever saw. What a surprise when the scale said just a tad over 32#. I knew then that 30 pounders were rare in this area.

  4. How about the people that don't have, or chose not to spend, a bunch of money on a lease? Trophy hunting and greed have already made this state a lot tougher to hunt than iy used to be. Posted land is the original cause in the drop in hunter numbers in my area. This snowballed into dads giving up hunting, and not passing the tradition onto their children, which means even less hunters, and in the end, not enough deer being shot.


    More laws mean more people quit hunting. You can say that they never really liked it if they quit, but that is not the case. It just becomes too much effort for them to enjoy the experience. Not everyone has a bunch of money, land of their own/or lease, or a bunch of vacation time. I just see fewer and fewer hunters every year.


    Some of you trophy hunters, and I am one of them, need to take the time to think about what might happen if not enough deer get shot for a few seasons because all the land is locked down for a relatively small percentage of the hunters. I don't have the answers. We are our own worst enemies. I try to get new people and youths involved every year, but it seems to get harder and harder. What is going to happen in the next 10 years? I agree with Grow with the fact that out of staters are not going to come here with all the non-sense gun laws. I just don't see the point of any of these proposals making any sense in the area of population control other than the one buck rule. And that only helps if the hunters will shoot does instead.





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  5. I know what you mean Skillet. It is nice to have everything lock right into place solid like it is supposed to.


    And Ants, I also have way too many knives. It is pretty sad when you can pull out a thirty year old knife and it is still better than a brand new Chinese piece of crap. I do have a few German knives that are of nice quality. I have no idea if they still make them like that.


    My initial post was just the simple fact that I never tell my wife to get me certain things because if I need it, I just get it, or save up and get it. She did a good job of listening to me because she has absolutely nothing to do with hunting other than sending me on my way. For under $100 she bought me two well appreciated gifts, and for that, I am thankful. We are more about the family get togethers and meals, and trying to keep the true reason of Christmas alive.

  6. Apparently, my wife pays attention to what I complain about because two of the things I talked about were taken care of this Christmas.


    First, I complained that my sandwiches got smushed in my fanny packs because I had too many things to carry. She gave me a nice, mid-size backpack to solve this problem.


    I was talking about how most of the big name hunting knives were not made in the US anymore, and she searched around and found me a beauty of a Bear and Sons locking knife that says USA right on it.

    • Like 1
  7. My wife is baking about 40 dozen cookies and candies today and tonight. I am walking around like a drooling idiot because the house smells so good. She says we are crazy for all the stuff we go through hunting, well I say she is crazy for the amount of work she does in one day just to get a bunch of "care packages" of sweets done and packaged for delivery. Of course I have to eat a few dozen in the next week just so she feels good.

  8. I actually bought my wife a gift certificate for a manicure and pedicure because she likes getting them, but doesn't always have the money with all her other hobbies.


    I am with Phade though. I would have to be in a coma before someone would be giving me any of that stuff. You guys can justify it all you want, but I will always count it as girly or gay crap. Have fun.

    • Like 2
  9. Wow. Now we are talking about bullying. It is a forum on the internet. There are tons of them. If people don't like what is said, all you have to do is go to another site, or turn it off. I can never understand the logic of thinking you have to debate every subject back and forth for days, and then get mad about it.


    I think the moderators do a good job here with not shutting people or posts down except for very extreme rule breaking. What the heck, now some are calling for censorship? Give me a break. I don't agree with a lot of posts on here. Guess what I do? I don't feel the overwhelming urge to comment,  I ignore it.


    Any forum is full of people that think they are always right, and there is no way you are going to change that fact. Hunting is full of people from all walks of life. Some like to talk about it, some like to debate about it, and some like to flat out argue about it.


    Some of our debaters are newer members, and some have been around for years. Some of them stay civil and actually read what others posts, and some just post and post some more. The main thing is to try and agree to disagree on some subjects and stay civil. Hell, Belo and Bubba argue back and forth all the time, sometimes getting a little heated, but they always seem to get back to one another when it seems they hate each other most of the time. They have just learned take their shots and receive some in return without getting too mad most of the time. Guarantee neither of them want this site censored. Last year Bubba had had enough, and he took a break from the site. He was welcomed back like a long lost friend because he is a valuable asset to the forum.


    I guess all I'm trying to say in this long winded speech is, if you are going to dish it out, you better be prepared to take it in return. I consider almost anyone that takes the time to post ideas, thoughts, pictures, or stories a valuable member to this forum. As a matter of fact, this is one of the best forums for our state I have found. Keep the debates going, and I welcome the moderators to participate all they want because they are hunters too.

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  10. Hunting, fishing, camping, streams, lakes, and campfires is just who I am. It was how I grew up in a family with not a lot of extra money. I never grew out of it, and it is the only way I can truly relax. I may not always be content with the end results, but out in nature, I feel at home.

  11. Yeah Moog, Phade talked me into crowding into the bedding areas early in the season instead of relying so much on the rut. I know all about the deer coming and just handing out, or even bedding right in sight of my stand. It sure is nerve wracking.


    It is always a lot more fun for me to have the youngsters and newcomers enjoying the hunt. As I told Phade, you guys are lucky to have a group to share your hunt and experience with. Enjoy it.

  12. I am glad to see there are still hunters that feel this way. These days most of the good land is tied up in leases and posted up tight. It is tough for new or inexperienced hunters to find places to hunt other than state lands, which can be tough, as well as unsettling with all the shooting.


    I always try to take someone new out every year to try and get them hooked on hunting. Too often now a days, deer hunters fall into the me, me, me attitude. They forget all about what it was like to get started with nothing to go by but stories and magazine articles.


    I know I have good land to hunt, and I try to share it with others. So far, it has worked out well with hunters of all ages, male and female. No, they don't always get deer, but they almost always get opportunities, and even if they didn't, they got to see what hunting is about. It is a win for me because I always enjoy the excitement from others and the stories to be told for years. So, it is not all about being unselfish because of the enjoyment I get from the experiences.

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