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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WoodManOutdoorAdventures

  1. Hey everyone, The year is almost at its end! Good news is its hunting season and plus we can set some new goals for next! Anyways saw the thread and wanted to come in and say hello! Best of luck to everyone this season....
  2. Who's here a member of the NRA? it's our right....What about the problem on the streets, how are we suppose to protect ourselfs from that?
  3. Could be used to your advantage especially if you know their routes that they take then again a buck being in the rut might just flip out and got the other way! Be a nice shot with the bow. What do you think, cut into it at an angle maybe? Might get a lot of lift...Not sure
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