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Posts posted by Huntscreek

  1. Yet the GOP allows people to starve to death while doing everything they can to take whatever help away from those who might need it while allowing their big business cohorts to ignore any laws they want so that they can increase their bottom lines, including environmental and labor safety laws. Lets no forget the GOP resistance to increasing the minimum wage so that millions of Americans might be able to support their families.


    The greatest thing that could happen to America would be the complete collapse of America's twisted love affair with the overly corrupt capitalist system. A desire proven by the recent, surprising success of Bernie Sanders 

    Sanders success was largely based on the other progressive Hillary running plus 8years of Obama. Lets see redneck, the Sanders way has failed. Look at Venezuela socialism failure, Greece and other global  FAILURE'S. See while your kind sit's and hope's for America's collapse men like me push for it's success. You should move to a more suitable Country to live if you don't like it here.

  2. Since 2008 obama has killed 15000 muslim afghans alone!!!!!!

    Yes what tribe? In the middle east they are mostly Muslims, due to genocide of those who are not. I bet some die for his cause on both sides, but research who's doing the dyeing and why. Also Why didn't Obama bomb ISIS when the started their campaign from Syria to Iraq? It would of been easy to bomb a caravan in the desert, but he chose not to act?

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  3. Redneck I hate to feed you and you'll never change BUT. How can Liberals say there for peace, humans rights & equality when there funded by China, The Saudi's, Iran ETC... 

    Hillary and Barry embrace countries where Sharia Law & Sex selective abortion on and on. I hope you travel a lot some day and open your blind eyes. Hilary and Barry have and the message is lets be more like them, twisted and concerning.

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  4. I always look to the ground on our property, the mud will be probed. The seem to like the wet thick stuff here. I hunted with English Setters unless the ground near pines are wet I don't see them. Early fall before hitting a spot I like to see where they have been feeding.

  5. I want to wish all the Dads and Granddads Happy Fathers Day. Heading out to visit my 87yr old dad. My dad was my hunting mentor, friend, partner, I wish he could still hunt. Every fall it seems like something is missing from the hunt, he waits everyday during the season to see what when on. After I visit Dad I'm off to spend the day on the Lake fishing and lunch at the camp a cookout with my kids. Later back to dads for Dinner with all. Have a great day all!

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  6. Uptown you are more angry with the Pro 2nd Amendment groups than with ISIS and terrorist. You do know as a NYS resident SAFE ACT was to be a TOTAL ban on Firearms, that includes you so call Hunting rifle. When some drunk kills people with his car are you on board to ban CARS? when a person is killed with a Knife are you banning knives? When I read your post I think what the hell is this person doing on a Hunting forum. If you feel that strongly about being controlled by the Government, Bow Hunt only. 

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  7. The Liberal media will attack Trump with everything they got. The Funny thing is Hilary is under Criminal investigation and Trump is attacked? A socialist is beating Hilary and Obama beat Hilary, she is a loser with important Friends. Trump will control the liberal media by beating them at there own game.

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