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Posts posted by Huntscreek

  1. Fear division and intimidation were what the Nazis used, deception. This issue is a lot easier to see coming than Hitler. We know the ideology of Muslims are Convert or die, not much room there for discussion. My personal thoughts are Muslims will never except being equal with others. Look at the Counties that have tried France, they took over areas of those countries as Muslim only. Look at Michigan they don't want to be American or integrate they want to take over America. I won't look back at these days as I was to dumb to see it coming. Tell me another Immigrant fraction that came to America take over rather than blend. I bet those people who worked gave wedding/baby gifts to the California Terrorists thought the same as you. I am not a person that hates nor without compassion for others. I am for personal preservation, and there is nothing wrong with understanding the world we live in. 

    • Like 1
  2. I stand corrected as a search i did for beheadings didn't turn up anything. Still 1 actual and 1 threatened isn't "several".


    1 is one to many. To often in the protection of a group or fraction we wait to long. Imagine if Germany would of untied when the 1st Jew was dragged off? I don't buy into conspiracy theory's but we are dealing with people who's beliefs are very clear. Its like saying the KKK don't hate all African Americans and they hung only one. Its time for any non Muslim to serious think about the issues ahead of us as a nation. 

    • Like 1
  3. It could be that Scalia's family requested that Barak Hussain not attend….

    You know Ants, I was thinking it's walking into a Christian Church. How would the Muslim world view it. When there is a Issue that could unite Obama always chooses Division. Every move he makes, is calculated to undermine American Strength and Values. There's even a message in the things he don't do.

    • Like 3
  4. Junkie See what you did there Oh the Spin. The Conversation was on Sanders and you pull Trump into it. You did exactly what you media and your party does, switch the focus. I feel no need to stick up Trump, You and your party seem to be doing just Fine with that. I've watch your post on Obama how can you say after 7+ years this country is better off. Convince me how you think Bernie or Hilary would leave the USA Better off. Remember Hillary Said she is running on Failed Obama policy, and his legacy. Bernie is running on Socialist ideology. Spin away Woof Woof     

    • Like 3
  5. If your 18 and older looking for a FREE B education, you will pay in the end. So will everyone else with a job.Nothing in life is Free somewhere someone is working hard for your FREE. Look at all the free (tax payer paid) public schools and those who can advance themselves and don't. We need to stop the precipitation awards and Kum ba yah BS. Study Hard, Work Hard and get only what you earn in life. These Leftists are hell bent on changing America into The Home of the Lazy Land of the afraid.



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  6. How would you feel if your livelihood was threatened by this act of extortion? Do you really want all of the National parks & public lands privatized. Why stop there? Why not privatize all state controlled public land. Then we would be like Europe., only the rich would be able to afford to hunt when hunting lease prices soared due to no public land to hunt..


    If I was a rancher paying grazing fees & my deadbeat neighbors (the Bundys) weren't I would want them held accountable. Have you taken the time to research just what kind of shit the Hammonds were involved in? They threatened BLM employees, endangered hunters & guides as well as fire fighters. Then they threatened to blame the BLM for setting the fires they did if the BLM didn't make the charges go away. That allegation was supported by the bullshit video that VJP posted a while back.


    To top it all off they involved a 13 year old child in committing a felony & it was his testimony that landed them in prison in the 1st place. Maybe that 's why they decided to take their medicine & serve out the minimum sentence prescribed by law W/O a fight.


    Most of the ranchers in Oregon had good relations with the BLM after some land use practices were changed. these asshats


    "Federal lands"  the BLM did take some of it from the Indians. You know it is ok for US citizen's to question their governments actions. Our government should be more concerned about land over seas, that US men & women died for. Instead there more worried about millions here but  unconcerned about Billions there. Now when any citizen is killed by Law enforcement, we should want all the Facts. That's not anti government that's checks & balances, without that we are ruled. 

    • Like 1
  7. Unlike most of you here who bitch and moan about pretty much everything the Safe Act is another thing that has no effect on me. My only semi-auto rifle is a Ruger 10/22 and the law about a maximum of 10 rounds is not enforced so therefore once again it has no effect on me. As for how it was implemented its just a case of politics at work, all the bitching and moaning isn't going to change anything so why waste time doing it.

    There a difference between bitchin and see the forest for the trees

    Your answer tells me alot about you.

    Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk

  8. If I remember right the government works for the people. The land is federal land is our land. Now no hostages where taken, nothing stolen. A life was taken and until we hear audio all the facts are not in. Pictures and video clips can help but I'd like to hear what the officers said. It's not cop bashing or anti government to want facts when a citizen is shot.

    Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk

    • Like 3
  9. For Sale: I have way to much Camo. Everything is brand new I just have double or triples.

    1-LaCrosse Mudlite hunting boots $100
    1Pair ROCKY Prohunter Camo Waterproof rain pants size XL $50.00
    1Pair ROCKY Camo cargo Pants XXL $30.00
    1Pair Sentblocker Camo pants XXL $25.00
    2Pair XL6Pocket Camo pants MOBUI Camo $ 25.00 each
    I'd be willing to sell as one sale Make offers.

    I can text pics if your interested in one or all.


  10. I'm saying that the facts are not all in on this shooting. Also people in the past have rioted without all the facts. Yes there were blacks involved. Yes it was handled differently by the media,polotians, and I am not going to say this man's life is worth more or less because of his race or belief. Just saying the dividers in this country would be jumping at this as an opportunity to push race. White or black all the facts are out. How do you know what was said at that moment. The officer in front was not the 1st to shoot, the officer in back did.

    Sent from my XT830C using Tapatalk

  11. At the 9:06 spot where the hell did the shooter come from. I see the road block the one officer hit and gets up. Than out of the trees comes the shooter. Without sound its hard to tell what's being said, what is the officer in front saying. Some facts still not out yet. I will say this if it was a black subject, the riots would be on. Obama would be outraged, this could of been his uncle. DOJ would be there with Sharpton, to hang the Shooter.

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  12. I'd have to say This country would be better off if McCain & Palin had won 2008. Instead we now have the incompetent in Chief & dumb Joe. Than Barry gave us Holder, Hillary, Susan Rice, Kerry, Lynch. Oh and his Race Ambassador Al Sharpton LOL. When I look at the last 8yrs of Obama & Joe, McCain & Palin doesn't sound to bad.

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