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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Huntscreek

  1. 1) Johnson Woolen Mills Coat (44 Large wore once) http://johnsonwoolenmills.com/cart/ Make Offer


    2) Garmin GPS II Plus,(original book & car charger) $30


    3) Ruger 10/22 Stock & Barrel Band (new take off) $50




    4) Ruger 10/22 Factory Barrel  $35



    5) Remington 783 Stock Black (new Take off) $50 obo


    6) SafTBak Blaze Orange Coveralls Large $25


    7) 3-9X40 Scope Generic (Taken off Package) $25


    1st I take it PM or Text 607-220-8800



  2. The new bp in Utica has their outer redhead hunting wear on 33% off... But its only till the 24th....

    Do they tend to have another clearance after the holidays?

    Really need a set of bibs for next season

    I think you could buy them now and if they go on sale within a certain time if they go on sale I think you can get the savings Check with store but I've done this at Dicks and they Honored it. Call Auburn store  being they been around longer may give you the answer. Good Luck 

  3. All I want for Christmas is for someone to tell me where a person could buy 35 remington ammo....we have a friend that asks me to stop in this gun place and that when I'm out and about to ask if they carry it...several months and dozen or so places from the lake to NY/pa border and nada one...did find more 243 100gr though...Wish they'd sell the weapon already and stop asking...lol

    35 whelen?

  4. While some may consider "open carry" at the local department store or Kroger a right, you also have a right to go without a shower & changing clothes for months & visit the same places.


    Neither shows good judgement or consideration for our fellow citizens.


    Which bring up another point. Ohio is an 'open carry" state isn't it?


    What about John Crawford's right to open carry a BB gun that he picked up from a shelf in an Ohio Walmart?

    Wild Cat you are confused Rights and Showering is a choice and people have freedom to do what they want with hygiene. I don't go around smelling people and its not written in the Constitution clearing up Hygiene but I see now why you don't get it Now. I clarify a little bit If a person wants to support the NRA or GOA or any other organization that's up to them they are free to do what they like with there money. Now The 2nd Amendment is LAW, not choice. Its like if someone in your town said boy the guys beard is dirty looking & his Lever action 336 is beat looking and I don't Like it. Its Freedom brother we all don't live by your view and how the Anti want, but when it comes to guns you can try to give your 2 cents that's protected under the 1st Amendment speak away. Do you Know Wal-Mart can have store policies under the Constitution and Law its a fact as long as those policies don't Violate Your Rights, Can't help you on the smelly people thing just walk another way or start a petition that they have to smell good and dress the way you would like to be out in public. Now Take a short trip over the boarder and see what Gun control is like, or the UK. embrace your fellow gun owner not try to rule over him as to what you feel he should and should not have or do. Hell what about a clean guy that smells good could have such & such and a Smelly guy is out of luck LOL. 

  5. Read all the posts and maybe you will get it.  It was a post in a string of responses I made to post 109.  Comparing cars to guns is as lame as it gets.  If gun owners can't come up with better examples to defend their reasons for owning them, then we are really in trouble

    I driver having a legal License is a Privilege, A Hunting License is a Privilege, Owning a Firearm is a Right. No defense Needed or Reason needed to justify to anyone legally exercising their 2nd Amendment Right's. 

    I see it this way, No Gun Grabber has legally shown reasonable proof as to why the right to bare arms Should/are being infringed with out breaking the Law.

    Reason I own Firearm's is because I can, Reason you could choose to own is called Freedom, which many have fallen to protect.

    Your Defense is What? Your Reason is what? You have a choice and making choice is a freedom & Right, but that doesn't explain how you think you have the Right to Stop others from the Freedom which is theirs, Guaranteed under the US Constitution.

  6. I was asked this Question by my kids this past Weekend. My answer was I don't need anything, but thinking I would like.

    1- Winchester Model 70 Pre 64 in mint condition in 270

    2-Ruger Mini 14 & Mini 30

    3-99 in 243

    4- Savage SS 6.5 Creedmoor

    What do you boys & girls want ?



  7. I am going to point out that in 2007-10,129 murders & in 2014- 8,583 much less can the key to the decline be more armed citizens that refused to be a Victims not a number on a data chart. How many were drug related, abuse related etc.. Safe Act was not needed, The people were evening the odds before Cuomo pulled a Political move which he thought would put him in the white house only to find out The People would not roll over. There has and always been murders, guns just leveled the field so the victim has a chance to defend themselves. The Right to defend themselves now if a person don't want to use that right don't take away another's.

  8. The 2nd Amendment! I stand with those who want pistols for open carry not because I want to do it because its their right, I stand for those who want 30 rounder's because its their right, I stand for them and they should respect my rights. When a person says I am progun BUT there is no BUT. The 2nd Amendment is what I go by not personal wants or needs, Its The People's Right to bare arms and anyone trying to change or reword it is against us, even those that own a gun but feel others should not have what they want to shoot. Exercise you 2nd Amendment right anyway you like because its your right to do so. There is no room for those that want to take away part or change part to suit them, My AR brothers/sisters & Single shotgun Brothers/sisters are all right with me. They are protect under the Constitution of the USA and any gun owner wanting to change any part of the 2nd should take long hard look at themselves & their beliefs. The 2nd Amendment how sweet it is, enable's you to hold onto all your others don't forget that.

    • Like 3
  9. Not everyone is progun, but to think independent's Democrat's don't own guns that's why I don't think party lines when thinking Gun control I view it your either with us or against us. I don't care what

    organization you support, as long as its a Progun. So when I see people who support the same issue but fighting its the very thing the Gun Grabbers want, puts the brakes on the GUNS UP Movement. What scares them the most is the message Voters sent in NOV.

  10. I wear Level 1 and than Rocky Wool 1/4 zip than F&S 1/4 zip and Sent blocker Rain Blocker bibs and jacket with camo fleece baklava over hat. If cold I put a Rutwear fleece under. Never get wet nor cold Hand warmers help inside Huntworth Gloves, good boots and you can sit all day. 

    Not a Fan of Windshear  not needed

  11. We have used cams over the year large area of land so checking them is no different than turkey or coon hunting, predator hunting the land in and out.

    No we did not change a thing same feed other than poor year for apples good for nuts, The neighbor's than boarder around us all have seen the same thing we talk each night after the days hunt. No one hunting the land  other than us we became a custom to being hard on trespasser's, we all look out for each other.  Stand placement is determined by many factors ways in & out, wind direction, and sitting on food sources from different angles, hunting the scrape line which has opened the same areas over the years Yes a scrape pattern. Snow was on for a while and in a 3day old snow you could count each separate deer tracks on one hand, your talking 3/4 of a square mile of land. So tactics are you have to know the lay of the land and that I know, you need to know food sources that I know, you have to know your bedding areas That I know, you have to know your breeding activity and scape line that I know. So I know which and where and when to hunt areas, so if they are not there to hunt you can talk tactics all you want. Like I said before in tis area I was able to bow hunt while gun season was on with success using Tactics. Now there are no carcasses or kill spots so I question that cause coyotes leave sign, The only thing within around here is Amish all over, now people in another area had this problem and found Amish killing deer in the summer, now I have not witnessed myself but those farmers have land like ours which provided deer for generations and they seen this drop off and found that to be a problem. Now is it happening here I'd have to no for sure don't want to assume to much, but I will tell you this a heavy population of whitetail  could make even the most piss poor hunter look like his tactics work only because he has more chances to kill one.

  12. I think they are all excuses. There are still deer all over the place where I hunt. A lot of it is private land though. Maybe you are hunting a lot of public land that gets pounded year in and year out? Or maybe you need better hunting tactics.

    A) My Family and I have hunted the same land for more than 70yrs, you get to know your deer and patterns. Add trail cams now and the deer are just not there should one change their hunting tactics to hunt what's not there but for 70yrs have always been. If that's your answer You assume a lot, even on state land that's around private property here is always was good hunting. I use to be able to bow hunt right during Gun season and still see a lot of deer until a arrowed a big one. I did not go deer less but  things were bad you assume so much is a stretch, many very good hunters out there this year same results seeing less, seeing none, that's is a problem. Excuses these men don't make excuse nor do I, its a problem in some areas your thinking more like NYS DEC deer management, that's excuses. As far as nut crop it your hunting a very good area with the wind right and you killed deer there before and for 2mos 2 deer on 10 cams??? My friend change tactics and you know what same results, I changed tactics and you know what same results?? Oh mighty Renegade hunter please advise us ALL that according to you are making excuses, about the poor population or don't hunt right.

  13. In my case I had many bucks on trial cam, but a few doe not in normal family groups this was from summer to now. Reasons, most people are not conservationist, The Amish came and the deer population dropped very fast??, As far as hard winters I seen worse and deer would yard up and hunting season would be good after, I have not seen deer yard up here in 3yrs? for 30yrs they yarded in the same place. So did predators hit yards or people I wish I knew. What I do know is every doe got a pass from me this year, hoping the heard evens out or she drops twins. Charlie you are not the only one seeing this drop non hunters and experience hunters are out there and know there area and no deer? I wish I knew the complete answer but I don't. when it was warm people said oh they are not moving, when it was cold oh they are in the thick stuff. I do know this the population is down and that's why there not there!

  14. Different stokes for different folks, I don't mind people driving as long as they are not passing by my stand at 9am. There's many ways to skin a deer (cat), I like to still hunt and stand hunting is my number one option. One question why hang your deer from head to hock, Blood settles in the best meat, I butchered many animals and always hang neck down to bleed out, get the hide off fast let the meat cool. It seems to work for me but to each there own. Nice string of deer there so driving does work for sure.

  15. When the 'top cop' in this country, AG Holder, is one of the guys fanning the flames trying his best to make things worse, it makes it extremely difficult for everyone. Especially so for the rest of the LE community.

    Spot On! He carries a gas can and the matches, America is Racist yea ok we have a 2 term African American, Eric Holder and so on. Its there piss poor job performance and piss poor leadership I dislike, would say the same about a White,purple, yellow. All that The Founding fathers worked so hard to outline in separation of Power and the Tradition of America the $hit on and degraded the office of President & DOJ. Send them investigators to look into Benghazi, IRS, Veteran affairs, Oh wait that would lead back to them.

  16. There minds where made up that the cop was guilty without all the facts. Would the DOJ like a conviction just because of the color of ones skin? this is reverse racism. People say its not about race but it is about race, plain and simple truth if it was a Black cop killing a white kid would anyone care.Peanut head Sharpton the biggest race baiter there is in MO we should all feel better. After The grand jury heard the facts rules and said its a clean shoot, Our DOJ says we will look into it again what message does this send All Americans. If you don't like the decision just destroy & rob, hurt others and you will get a do over. The DOJ Eric Holder Lowers the bar & tarnish's the of the law of the land and adds fuel to the fire. Why doesn't Holder look into Safe Act being Law, Where was all the Sharpton's and Obama's & Holders when Men are being beheaded? & a US Marine held Hostage in Mexico? This Violence will continue because it can, there is no leadership. Police and National Guard untie there hands and let them protect the people.

    • Like 2
  17. The 2nd Amendment is in place for protection Remember the CA riots store owners on top of building with AR,s and other weapons and their places went on touched.

    The Court Spoke after all the facts but if it does not go the way the public wanted they burn down their own neighborhood? If only we protected the attack on our 2nd Amendment rights & constitution this way, oh wait we are not criminal's. 

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