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Posts posted by Woodjr55

  1. This what I heard from my buddy.

    My buddy was driving by the state land that we hunted this weekend and saw a guy with 2 youngsters. The one looked old enought to go on the youth hunt while the other was younger like 6. They started talking and The guy bragged that his son dropped his first doe yesterday afternoon and then said they are going to hunt in the pines on the state land.

    I thought you could only shoot one deer during they youth season?

  2. Well tonight was a bust. The local firehall was having a gun raffle and the door prizes were a 1000 bucks and a lifetime license but had to be present to win. Ended up getting to my stand late around 5 o'clock and didn't see anything. I've only seen 3 deer this year and one was a flag after she busted me. Very slow start. My buddy did see a 4 pt and a doe thou

  3. So I was wondering around dicks sporting goods today after I dropped my truck off for some maintenance and saw flextone has a new grunt call out. Looks like it's a grunt call that has 30 feet of hose that you attach to the bottoms of the tree so it doesn't give away your position. Look like it's a good idea but also looks like a pain in the butt to set up and what not.

    Anyone have one?


  4. So the other night I was in my treestand on the edge of a cut field and saw a male ringneck pheasant about 10 yards from my stand. If the season was open could I have shot him with my bow and a judo tip? I don't see any where were it says I can or can't. Thanks for the help ahead of time

  5. I had a coyote sneak in on me at 20 yards last year I set my bow In the snow and the pulled it into my stand. I knocked a arrow or so I thought. When I went to draw on the yote my arrow didn't move. I had some snow in the knock and it prevented me from securing it to my string. I was pissed

  6. So I used a ground blind for the first time yesterday and had a question about set up. I was set up in a overgrow field by a small cluster of trees. The blind was well concealed by the back but the front and sides where just wide open. Is that ok or should I look for a spot that has more brush? What type of spots do you guys who use blinds on a regular look for. And also do you brush in your blinds at all?

  7. If the guy is in his stand I avoid him. My family has been hunting the property for over 10 years my grandpa worked for the land owner. But it sucks because it's right on the only path on the property and he's only about a third the way into the property. I don't only want to hunt where is stand is but I also don't want to walk right under him to get to the back of the property

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