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    Finger Lakes
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. After reading the bill, I'm a bit disappointed. Here is a link: http://open.nysenate.gov/legislation/bill/S4074-2013 The justification as written in the bill looks a bit suspect, and I have to wonder how many people in Auburn are truly concerned about the plight of the crows.
  2. Grandma used to chase my sister and me with the wooden spoon when we misbehaved. We were quicker, but she caught us once or twice! She's from Italy and was brought up "old school."
  3. I don't need to get up early. At 9:30 this morning, I counted 4 in a field near my house. I almost ran over a nice tom as he was crossing the road. Too bad the field is right near a daycare center.
  4. I was thinking it would be California, but not surprised it's New York. Sales tax in my county is 8% ... it's like death by paper cuts.
  5. Sounds like "school officials" are realizing that their reaction was excessive and unreasonable. Best things to do are: expose them (like was done here in the news) and remove them (run for school board and have a say in how the school is managed). Chevy, you're right about the "Indian" political correctness stuff. At my kid's school, they sit "criss cross apple sauce" rather than "Indian style" nowadays.
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