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Posts posted by Fairgame

  1. I really dont think it bothers them.  I shot my eight pointer last year buring bow season at 20 yards with a cig seconds earlier in my mouth.  I went out for the afternoon hunt and shot a bear.

    We have a brick oven behind the house and we fire it up in the early morning so that we can make pizzas in the afternoon.  This is a wood buring brick oven that makes smoke and heat and we still see deer walking near the house when it is burning.

  2. I am a land owner in a AR zone. I am pro AR cause of how I see that it has been working.  I dont shoot any year and a half old bucks not even the basket eight on the last day I let them walk.  Me and my family own alot of land where we hunt and we always have friends and family that arent as fortunate as us hunt with us.  If my land is everyone elses land then why would I want to buy any? Have the government buy it back and make it all state land.  People buy their own land to get away from all the BS in state land and the reasons why is posted is #1 cause its mine #2 safety.  If I dont know someone and I see them on my property hunting I ask them to leave.  I dont think there is anything selfish about it.  If someone is fortunate enough to buy hunting property so that they can do what they want on it why does it make them selfish?  I dont own the deer but I do own the property!! My land, My stands, and I invite who I want to invite. Not who wants to invite themselves.

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  3. They are amazing bird dogs.  I have hunted with the german short hair also and they are good too.  My next dog will be a short hair,  I cant get one right now cause I have an old chow that doesnt get along with any big dogs. 

    In southern california its all about the bird hunting.  Alot of quail chukar and in some areas good pheasant hunting.

  4. If they are legal that would really give a nice opening at 1 1/2 inches.  One question I have is What about pennetration?  Being that it's actiong almost like a shock absorber, would that give less chances of a pass through?  With a solid broadhead all the energy is on the solid broadhead, on these it has that spring taking some of that away. 

    Result could be a bigger hole but no pass through. 

  5. The first of the trail camera pictures that were sent to me by my dad. This is the first time getting pictures for the year.  I only recieved a few so far and already have a nice buck. I'm going to get another trail camera today to put it in another spot where we have a stand set up. 



  6. I'm surprised noone has even mentioned thunderheads.  I use 100 grain thunderheads. I've been using them for 17 years never switched to any other brand.  I practice shooting up to sixty yards with them and fly good.  I have killed plenty of deer with the old school thunderheads.

  7. Fishing is like hunting.  There is something specific for everything. 

    I like a  6and half foot light action rod with 3-4 pount test. Its a good rod for trout but I like using it for Largemouth also.  The light action makes it fun when you catch a fish. You just need to make sure that you set your drag to release the line when the fish fight cause of such a thin line. 

    Your reel should be small on a light action rod.  Check the reel and see what pound test line is required for that reel.  That combo makes for exciting fishing even if you catch a blue gill.

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