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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Fairgame

  1. I watch all types of hunting and fishing shows, but the one that bothers me the most is keith warren's show.  If it is not fenced he wont hunt it.  Thats what it seems like to me.  Dont get me wrong I have shot boar in a high fenced 1000 acre ranch here in cali with a bow.  Instead of buying my pork chops at the store, I killed it, cut it and then ate it.  I dont consider that a trophy of mine nor do I consider it hunting, even though it took 12 hours to get close to one.  But it did taste really good.  For boar meat I would do it again. and its cheap 350 dollars.

  2. Keeping your hand open with all the preasure on your palm is the only way to keep your flight true.  closing your hand around the grip unintentionally makes you twist your bow whick most of the time will let you shoot more to the right or left.

  3. Thats more than usual from past years.  I havent been up there but thats more than what I would see during the rut, and the rut is when I would normally see the most hit deer.

  4. Saw plenty of deer during the bow season. This past bow season I saw more bucks than does which is out of the norm.  I was able to harvest an 8 point and a bear.  I did see 2 other 8 pointers, one was a basket 8 and the other was bigger than the one I got but I was already tagged out on my buck.  I dont even know how many spikes 3,4,5,and 6 pointers I saw.  One evening hunt alone I saw 6 small bucks all together from a spike to 5 pointers.  Gun season I saw small bucks and one evening it was really windy and at the bottom of the valley I saw over 30 does and fawns.  No doe tag!.Muzzle loader didnt see anything.

  5. Doc,

    I believe the 243 is great for deer and the accuracy is also great even on factory loads.  I believe that is the way to go for a longterm gun.  My cousin bought his kids one for deer hunting and their first year hunting in N Carolina they Harvested 6 deer and a 200 pound hog with a 243 all with a single shot. Light recoil, very accurate, and very easy to find reloads.

  6. I believe we should have the choice whether or not we want to use a crossbow.  What season should we use it in? I don't know.  I dont't own one and haven't had the opportunity to shoot one.  There are advantages in a crossbow like being able to rest it on something for a stable shot, but I dont think it gives a hunter that much more of an opportunity than a bow hunter with a compound bow.  These arrows coming out of the crossbow are imo not going to fly further than a compound bow.  Hunting in the woods you are lucky to sneek any type of arrow whether it out of a compound or a crossbow through the trees more than forty yards.  Any more than that the trajectory of the arrow is not in your line of sight.  What you now think is a clear shot just got ruined by the branches that you couldn't see cause of the arch of the arrow flight.  I love my Bow season and a crossbow is not going to change it, But it would give some kids we are trying to bring into the outdoors the opportunity to hunt a different season cause of their inability to pull a bow back.

    One thing I dont want is a longer season cause of the crossbow being added.  We already have a long hunting season.

  7. john its lottery also you can have zero preference points and still get one.  Apply as early as possible and if you dont get one,  you can still probably get one in the mail as an extra cause not enough people got one.  If you dont pay to apply, you dont get any points for the following year.  If you dont get it one year you will get it the next.

  8. I believe this is the seventh or eight year of ars in PA.  I am on the border of PA. What seperates us is the Delaware river.  I went to the taxadermist near my place to pick up my mount and I was amazed at what I saw.  I asked the taxadermist if these big buck have always been around and his response to me was  We would get one in once in a while but not like it is now,  since ars have been in place the number of big bucks has gone crazy.  He had 160 inch deer hanging on the wall that were shot in PA.  I was amazed.  He said a majority of the big deer he had were all killed within 7-10 miles from his shop (which borders Pa).  It is incredible.

    I hated the fact that I wasnt able to harvest a buck for a few years, but now I so glad it happened.

  9. A6A6

    Not in NY, but in cali last year quail hunting me and my buddy Pat were walking in a sandy area in a valley and on the way back to our truck there were huge paw prints over our tracks in the sand.  Never did get to see it,  but there is alot of them.  They are always attacking hikers and people riding their mountain bikes on the trails.  There is also alot of coyotes bobcats bear and fox..  Coyotes you see running aroung in the cities also.

  10. I'm almost scared to answer.  I own property in an antler restriction zone and hunt it.  In the last few years I have seen a big improvement on the size of the bucks we are seeing and harvesting.  I do believe a spike one year will be more than a spike the following year as long as it has the proper nutrition for it to grow a bigger rack.  I also believe that the lottery dmps in our area has helped controll the amount of does and fawns killed in a particular area. 

  11. I live in southern california.  A few hours north from where Live is excellent hunting for blacktail and mule deer.  Where I live it is excellent bird hunting like quail and chuckar and ducks.  I havent gone deer hunting out here cause of the terrain.  It is all hills and cliffs and is very dangerous to go hunting alone.  Also alot of mountain lions that noone is allowed to kill.  If I knew someone out here that was a nut about hunting like I am, I would be all over it.  Lots of state land all over.  It would be nice to get a small group of hunters together, stay out here a couple of weeks camp, scout, and hunt these huge pieces of state land that hold some really nice deer.  It takes alot of hiking up and down hills to get into where the big bucks live.  You need to walk in about 9 or 10 miles from any road and set up camp.  It is basically all spot and stalk with a bow.  With the rifle you are going to be shooting across valleys and canyons.  Sight your gun in for a minimum of 200 yards.

  12. The challenge of everything having to go 100% since you need to be so close to them. The adrenaline rush of waiting for that animal to get into range and waiting for the right opportunity to draw back.  The accomplishment of a challenging hunt.  The fact that it is the first season to open after 10 months of waiting for it to come back.  Silence in the woods.

    I believe my bow kills are more of a trophy to me than any of my rifle or muzzleloader kills.

  13. funnel areas like valleys or near a swamp have worked for me.  too close to a food source isnt imo good for a morning hunt, cause the deer are coming off the fields too bed before dawn.  If you can keep a 2-3 hundred yards away from the food source you can hunt it in the morning and in the evening.  catch them leaving the food source and going into the food source.  I have also used a topo map to check elevations in the propery,  which will help also with finding natural funnels .

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