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Everything posted by fearthebeard

  1. I'd like to thank all you who shared your advice and gave me encouragement hope you all keep in touch gonna be going out wit my dad there still nice bucks in my area
  2. If it was me I'd go in mid day when he's bedding down and try to catch him in the afternoon those does could be his safety blanket get past them and he will most likely follow
  3. My buck that I thought was a six I'm so proud though quick kill to only ran 20 yards
  4. Hey to all you guys I got my first buck I thought it was a 6 turned out to be a 4
  5. My scent is blowing opposite of where she came
  6. Is the buck always right behind or could it take till dusk
  7. One just went under my stand nothing following hoping this afternoon he comes following her trail
  8. Do hot does travel by them selfs ?
  9. Lol my dad saw a great buck walk under my stand I was hunting another area seen 9 does I'll be hunting that stand all day tomarrow figured he would be there when I'm not but that's why it's hunting
  10. I'll hunt the does this afternoon thanks to u all
  11. Also the shot is very important to me I'm only 24 and I love hunting but I also want to me a good shot so the deer doesn't suffer sounds stupid but I respect what I'm hunting
  12. I have harvested does so in my mid I am a successful hunter my dad always tells me u can't eat the horns the rack is basically I challenge for me and my buddy's give me crap about not Having a buck under me yet is all
  13. First if like to say I Havint harvested a buck I had a chance two years ago to take a nice 8 but didn't shoot because I knew there was a house behind him threw the woods the second was this year it was just a spike horn but I passed on it thinking maybe next year he will be a nice 6 or 8 should I just take anything with horns to get it under my belt or continue grinding in hopes I can take a mature deer advice tips and all are welcomed just kinda kickin myself in the butt is all
  14. JFB the corn was their cover but when I was out hunting he started cutting it I'm hoping the deer hang out in the woods I'm hunting in to stage up
  15. The side you are referring to is mostly houses and a high traffic road
  16. They are outside the high fence looking into the ravine in regards to hunting pressure
  17. Down the picture is houses and roads the v like orchard to the left is high fenced off and filled with guys shooting at everything
  18. The blue is a deep ravine with a stream running thee it the orange is my stand the red dots are smaller scrapes an the white is a big community scrape problem is they are only coming to it at night and opening the the ravine got pushed by out of state guys and all the deer have been hiding in the corn figured this would help u guys with advice
  19. I have a community scrape 100 yards from my stand and Monday smaller scrapes closer it's being used at night my trail cameras still getting pics of them only problem is the standing corn is food and cover and unless it gets cutt I'm lost of where to try to hunt it I'm only one man so I can't push it and the only other cover around was in the woods I'm hunting in a ravine but first day some out of state people pushed it
  20. All the deer are in the standing corn I hunt a patch of woods between the stand corn and wheat field the wheat field is someone else's property so I respect that and don't hunt there
  21. All the deer are in the standing corn I'm hoping it gets cutt soon if not anyone have any ideas of how to lure a buck out
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