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Everything posted by lsnydes

  1. Now how about this. A food plot that is used for hunting purposes only and the plot owner applies for nuisance permits because of all the crop damage. legal right!! Of course it is by law.
  2. I started this post to see where most of you stood on this subject.. It has been all over the board as you can see. I now have been called a number of things, an anti, spammer, etc. Lots of name calling. I did BAIT it a little myself to keep it going. But that is OK because I struck a nerve. I am an average hunter and have been for a number of years. It is a subject that I think is being misused by a number of people so I threw it out there. What is a food plot? I don't think the DEC has a handle on it yet and they should if they allow it. What are the perameters? Is there minimum and maximum sizes? Crops that can be planted? Do they have this info? To say that an orchard or oak grove is a food plot is by definition. If food plots took as long to grow as these do there would be no food plots. What bushes and flowers do deer love to eat. I could really dress up my deer stands so if no deer pass by I can still enjoy my well landscaped location!!!
  3. With the advent of rifle hunting in most of NY a food plot might as well be a pile. Not many food plots are big enough to make a difference what end a deer come out of. The rifle pretty much covers the whole plot very nicely. Just sit in your treestand and wait for the deer to come in to the bait, excuse me,field
  4. I know it is illegal....so if it is not in a pile it is legal??? Sure!!
  5. I am not talking about a feeder that drops at a certain time each day. Just corn scattered on the ground just like the corn field.
  6. I know of people who grow the corn and knock it down before the season so it is on the ground...habitat for what mice. It is now food scattered on the ground for feeding deer and is being hunted over. What is the difference!!
  7. This should liven up this forum. Looking into the legality of food plots. To put this into simple terms...Why is it illegal to put a kernel of corn on the ground and hunt over it and it is legal if you put that kernel in the ground and it produces lots of kernels which are now above the ground and you hunt over it. Both kernels were put there for the sole purpose of attracting deer to harvest. No other reason. No corn was growing previously. It was not natural to the land it is on. And it is next to some perfect trees for stands. What is the difference???
  8. Does anyone know the real story on how these coyotes got here? I have heard alot of stories. I'm sure you have too. I have heard anything from they just naturally increased in #s because they are prolific reproducers to the insurance companies paid to have them brought into our state through lobbying with our powers to be to reduce the deer herd. Does anyone know the real story? Unfortunately they are here to stay. I had one come in to me the other day while using a fawn bleat.
  9. I saw 2 groups of does tonight and not a buck in sight.They were calm and feeding. Saw bucks chasing last week and nothing so far this week.
  10. I basically only archery hunt for deer. I enjoy being in the outdoors during this season. If and when I get a deer, I get a feeling of accomplishment. I put a lot of time and effort into it. It is the challenge of trying to harvest a deer that I enjoy.You have to do your homework. Usually you have done things right to get a deer during archery season. Gun season not so much. Usually the shots you get at deer happen because someone else spooked the deer. I certainly don't have to bring a change of underwear with me to change into when I get one.
  11. Not an assumption. I know hunters who do this.
  12. I am not against that at all. Donating a deer is great. I am not against the program. I am aware of some who go out to shoot deer and donate all the deer they shoot to the program. They don't even like venison. They just get a charge from killing and will shoot 4 or 5 deer then gloat about supplying deer to the program. They use the program to feed their desire to kill deer. It cost them nothing. Maybe there should be a $5 charge to drop deer off to help defray the cost for processing. Do you know if the costs for processing comes from hunting license fees or from taxes?
  13. I hunt 8Y Have only seen a few does and I get out often
  14. I am refering to most hunters who do have multiple tags. On this site there were hunters talking about having 2 tags and going out and getting 2 more. Now why would they take the time to go out and get more tags if they were not planning on using them if given the opportunity??
  15. I live in central NY and I am in favor of AR for reasons that have not been discussed by this group. There sure seems to be alot of authorities here. To me, the main reason I would be for AR is to make the woods safer for all of us. How many of you hunters have had slugs whizzing over your head or smaking into trees near you? I have and it is enough to make you quit hunting. Certainly not worth being shot or killed for. With AR it would help to stop the group of hunters that just shoot at movement. Why do they hunt in this manner? They have multiple tags and as long as they think it is a deer they are firing away. Just like rabbit hunting. Now they have rifles in hand and can shoot at greater distances.` Every year it seems that you hear that someone has gotten shot and when asked the shooter says "I saw the movement and I thought it was a deer." With an AR program atleast maybe they will now have to determine the sex of the deer they think they are shooting at. You would have to look to see if the deer has horns or not. If there is another way to get people to positively identify their target I would be infavor of it. I don't know what it would be. AR I feel would help with this problem. HUNT SAFE!!!
  16. How do they determine deer population per sq. mile? Is it just on huntable land (whether private or public) or are areas with housing developments in them included? A lot of the land that was huntable in the past is now shopping malls etc.. The amount of sq. miles that were huntable in the past was far greater than today. Therefore, the deer could be more spread out and there actually could have been more deer than today. Now they are in smaller areas which makes it appear by stats that there are more deer.
  17. There seems to be quite a discussion and difference of opinion about the existing deer population on this thread for AR restictions. I have read where some are saying that deer populations are at an all time high in NYS. This is the best of times. More deer per square mile now than ever. Others are giving these gruesome tales of severe overpopulation in the 70's and 80's. Doesn't overpopulation and starvation deaths equate to more deer back then??? There was more land back then for deer also. A lot less development than today. I hunted in the 70's and 80's and saw more deer. We had doe permits, but you needed 3 people on 1 permit. And even then you weren't guaranteed a permit. Well who is right???
  18. You are right about does. It is tough. My thoughts when evaluating the size of a doe is I look to see that it appears to be twice as long as it is tall. That should be a mature doe.That helps me. Have a great season!!
  19. Hi BKLN, It is a program for Antler Restriction buck hunting. Penna. has it. It basically is not shooting yearling or 1 1/2 year old bucks ( buttons, spikes or 4 pts.) You must see 3 pts. on the rack inorder to shoot. To me, it lets the younger bucks walk and live to grow up a little. You will see better bucks and more of them in your herd in a couple of years. It is also a law that I believe will help teach a young hunter to hunt safely. But more so for me, I feel it will make it safer for all who hunt. Hunters will have to actually make an evaluation of the deer they are about to shoot at and not just fire away at the first glimse they get of a deer. There is a vote going on, on this site regarding this issue.
  20. I'm not patting myself on the back. I never asked you to cared about my hunting choices. I don't really care what you think. Just don't ever complain that there is a shortage of deer in your area. Shoot em up! I do believe in trying an AR program for my own reasons. In seeing the survey results I am not alone. HAPPY HUNTING!!!
  21. You obviously hunt for other reasons. So be it . Your choice. I do not shoot more deer than my family eats (2) whether you believe it or not. If I get 2 deer I am done for the season. Hopefully that happens during archery season. I put away the deer clothes and wait for the gun season to end and then small game hunt. I do get my DMP and do shoot does. No, I am not ignorant, I don't hunt for the thrill of the kill. Reread the article slowly. I have seen deer in the woods with just the hind quarters gone. That is sporting right!! Why do you hunt? You say you are the WNY Buck Hunter not Deer Hunter. So you don't shoot does???
  22. This topic has not been addressed in a while but I have my thoughts on it. It may ruffle a few feathers but thats OK. I read many articles on how hunters shoot 3,4,5 deer and do so so they can donate the deer for the hungry. Isn't the old adage " the reason we hunt is to enjoy nature and to provide food for our family. Never take more than your family will eat." That is ethical hunting. I have friends whose families do not eat venison so they donate all their deer. It is "if it's brown it's down attitude. it is the thrill of the kill. They get a rush from killing a large animal and that is why they hunt. Now they talk like heros because they donate venison for the hungry. And in reality they got their rocks off from the kill. And that is it. How many times these days do we hear the statement "there are so few deer. I was out all day and saw nothing." How about a hunters coalition. Needy hunters who did not get a deer but still paid for a license could get some venison for there family. It could also make the antler restriction controversy more viable. Pass up those 1 1/2 year old bucks. People will not be out just shooting whatever they see and that makes a safer woods for all of us. If you don't get a legal deer during the hunting season bring in your tags and you are given some venison if you wish. I am not against feeding the hungry. Not in any way. We donate money to the local food bank quite regularly. It is important to help your fellow man. I am just against killing for the thrill. We are not seeing as many deer in a lot of areas of the state. If we can in effect keep a health herd and increase the quality of the buck population through AR we win.
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