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Posts posted by UpStateRedNeck

  1. Family has about 1000 acres on top of a hill in the foot hills of the catskills.  On the very end of of a dead end road which goes through about 5000 acres of state land.  I think we're up to 10 stands consisting of 3 ladders, and 7 hangers.  About 300 acres of the land is brutal side of the hill 800 foot drop in a about 1/4 mile, glacier carved valley.  If I was a tough guy I'd hunt that more because I'm pretty damn sure alot of big bucks hide out there during gun.

  2. The second, and the last pictures are from last year.  I just threw the last one in there, well because.  Wondering if the deer from the 1st and 3rd pictures is the same as the one from the second.  If so he really hasn't gotten much bigger in a year.  I hope the big boy in the last picture is still around and has some more antler mass this year.

  3. Don't know about the wildview's, but I have nothing bad to say about Wild Game Innovations 8 mega pixel.  Thing has ran on 4 DD's for over 3 months, sensitivity is decent, trigger speed is a little slow (2 seconds?), but it takes good quality pictures.  Just bought a second one through Dick's, comes with the security bracket and SD card for 130$.

  4. Saw so many Doe & Spikes this year it makes me ill.  Didn't see my buddy the big 8, or his little brother the high & tight 6.  They both survived according the trail cam, but I DID figure out where they were hiding, they may have a big problem next year.

  5. We've got a light dusting, and COLD here in capital region, I'm physically twitching to get back out there.

    Tactic wise, not sure what I want to do yet.  I'm thinking about walk n stalk, all weekend.  Leave it all out in the woods sort of thing.  But with the cold, man they GOTTA move.  Second rut should be coming on now shouldn't it?

  6. My buddy sent me this picture via phone, said it was taken in Westerlo, close to the alcove.  Deer that size are possible down there, 5th all time heaviest white tail in NYS was taken there at 437 lbs in the 80's.  And things are still green down there.  But, note the leaves in the background....... looks more like an early season Ohio buck to me.

    I didn't want to bring it up here until it started showing up on the internet.  He said in his text "Was sent to me from someone who knows the guys family who shot it."  Take it with a grain of salt, these things are always a friend of a friend, but my friend is generally a very reliable individual, and a great hunter.  It is interesting to see it come up from another source though!

    Gets me kind of stoked that I'm buying a house in the area ;)

  7. Saw 10 total on Sat, 4 in the morning 6 at least an hour before dark.  With the wind they were REALLY skittish, jumping at shadows.  Friday morning, nothing, but I've given up on that stand, it's just in the wrong place this year.

    I'm seeing the most sign and activity on the side of the hill, about 1/2 way down in places where absolutely no one ever goes.  Buck sign.  Hard to get close to them though when they aren't moving and/or the woods is so friggin noisy I can't hear a squirrel 40 yards away, didn't hear 4 doe running in on me until they were 30 yards away. 

  8. We own about 1000 acre spread at the end of the renslearville state forest, barely into schohaire county, and I just haven't seen a big buck moving during daylight yet.  Passed on spikes and 4 points 15 times bow/gun combined this year, but the big boys have been very cautious. 

  9. Probably a 3?  Could have killed this dumb little spike about a dozen times, and some doe, but that is pretty much it.

    The way I look at it is, it isn't over, still time after gun and they'll be settled back down by then.

    But between the late rut and the warm weather the one week, not a great year.  Taking a snap shot at a fisher who's been killing my Aunt's fowl was the only shot I took.

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