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About IAatHeart

  • Birthday 06/27/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Erie, County
  • Interests
    Bow hunting deer and turkey. Pheasant hunting and waterfowl hunting. I also love all kinds of fishing.

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington 870
  • Bow
    Quest QS33

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  1. I appreciate the help! I'll have to check it out and just let me know what you see if you get a chance to check it out for me!
  2. When fishing at Hoaks do you just park at the restaurant or is there a public parking area? I've heard of fishing that area but have only lived in this area for a year now and never made it out there last year.
  3. I just got myself a kayak last week and have taken it out a few times in the small boat harbor. I'm wanting to get out for some walleye now that the season is open. Just wanting to get some advice on places to try that I can fish safely from a kayak on the lake.
  4. Haha yeah that's my biggest one he didn't have the best mass and that's a really good picture but he scored 156 and some change. I actually shot him from the ground at about 15 yds as he was following the trail of a hot doe that went by earlier that day and he ended up tipping over on a dead end road about 150yds away so that was really convenient! These are my other 2 bow bucks. The one with my buddy was same night but other side of the farm.
  5. Thanks for all the help guys! I'll have to get out there and try it sometime soon.
  6. IAatHeart

    Squaw Island

    Hey everyone so I'm new to the area and I've been out fishing quite a bit at the foot of Sheridan and down at Gallagher pier mostly and doing pretty good with bass. My question is I always see people fishing out on Squaw island and I was just wondering what they're mainly fishing for out there? It seems like everyone just uses shiners on the bottom. I haven't spent a whole lot of time out there but I haven't ever actually seen anything caught.
  7. Thats great news! I'll have to start my search of places to hunt once I get there! Thank you everyone!
  8. Hey everyone I'm moving to Buffalo a week from tomorrow and since its getting closer to spring now I figured I would ask about morels again and see if people find many over there in WNY or if it would be a waste of time to go out looking.
  9. I would love to catch any and all of those! I am more set up for bass, walleye, and perch for my current selection of equipment but who doesn't love catching some pike or muskie!
  10. haha so true! Who wants to go spend time at a clean bait shop! Thanks for the help! I'll make sure to check out both Big Catch and Niagara Outdoors when I get there. Now I just need to find some good shore fishing spots to start checking out.
  11. Alright sweet! I'll check them out. I've always liked helping to support smaller local businesses rather than the big chains like Gander Mountain and Cabelas plus I feel like you can get much better advice and help for someone first starting out.
  12. Hey everyone I'm officially going to be moving to the Buffalo area April 9th and I'm going to want to start fishing asap so I was hoping to hear about some good local bait stores that I can get set up at and get some good advice from. So let me know what some of your favorites are in the area!
  13. My first year turkey hunting I went out on my own but had read a lot and watched a lot of videos so I at least had a gist of what to do. Well first morning out went to a spot that I had scouted and didn't hear or see any birds so I decided that evening to go hunt another spot a friend had told me about but I hadn't scouted at all. (this was in Iowa where its legal to hunt all day) Well I didn't see any birds that night but I did finally hear my first gobbles and that got me fired up. So I went back out there the next morning and got set up in a field with my old foam decoys and had some gobblers firing off on the roost so I called a bit but when they flew down they completely shut up. So being the rookie turkey hunter I was and being completely exhausted from getting up at 3am the last couple mornings I decided to lay down and figured I would hear one coming if anything was going to come out. Well as I was laying there "resting my eyes" I hear some real soft kind of purring noise so I look up and there is a giant tom strutting about 12 yards away in my decoys. Well as I try to click off the safety he here's it and gets alert so I try to sit up real quick and shoot him but I completely whiff 3 times and he flies off. I then hunt 2 more times out there and the last day of the season I had given up and was down on myself and was walking back to the truck. The trail on the way out makes a 90* turn with a ridge in the way to make it a blind corner and it was windy that day. As I'm coming to that turn I can here something moving around on the other side so I get my gun ready and I round the bend and see a turkey in the trail. I look for a beard and see it so I pull up my gun and as he is trying to run off the trail I shoot him and he just makes it back into the timber and starts flopping so I run up and step on his neck and I got my first turkey! They must grow bigger in Iowa as he was 26lbs with a 9 1/2" beard and 1 1/8" spurs. So not the traditional way to get a turkey but it worked!
  14. I wasn't sure where to post this but I was just wondering if there are morel mushrooms in WNY? If so when do people usually start finding them there? Here in Iowa we usually start looking the second week in April and its usually done by around Mothers Day. So I'm not looking for places to go or anything like that I'm just solely curious into whether they grow in any numbers there in WNY.
  15. Hey thanks for the advice! I ordered the Sanders Guide, Fishing the Finger Lakes: a Complete Guide to Prime Fishing Locations in Central New York State, and the Flyfishers Guide to New York. I am very excited for these amazing fishing opportunities! I may be giving up a little size on the deer moving from Iowa but I am realizing now how much I am gaining fishing wise!
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