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Everything posted by soileauj

  1. Just spoke with Officer Card and will be sending cam pictures. He was very polite and interested in getting the photos. Also suggested I odn't go out again without some sort of protection due to the possibility of running into an aggressive bear although it is not likely. Thanks again all
  2. Guys I thank all of you for responding. I am raching out to the DEC as suggested. The property is very well marked and posted on all sides. Plus I've added additional posted signs with my name and number. I do have a binding lease so as for as I'm concerned it is my property for the lenght of the lease. These guys live in the close proximity as they walked over. I know going up wtihout my rifle was not very smart, I left it in the car, but that will not happen again. I do have a bear on the property as I've seen him on one of my cams. ATbuck, that is exactly what I did. It was not a very comfrotable feeling sitting their with no protection looking at 2 shotguns that seemed to very well equipped with the latest technology. A bit intimidating. Interestingly they didn't leave the way they came as viewed by the cmaera that caught them walking up the road. Guys thanks again.
  3. So on Saturday, at about 6:05 AM I'm setting on my leased property just watching an area where I've seen a few nice tom's on my cams. All of a sudden I hear voices and the next I know 2 guys walking with their guns, decoys and calls happen to walk right up on me as they didn't see me. Now season isn't open yet, no youngsters to indicate youth hunting. So I ask what are you guys doing here and one of them says "we were just cutting through to get to our house." mm, not it's 6 am. At this point I'm not armed, not that I needed to be I guess but very awkward moment. I asked that they leave. So later in the day I'm checking my cams and happen to have one from the direction that they walked in from and see that one of them actually tried to remove the card. Sorry to be long winded but I'm p'od. I have both of them on the cam and not sure what good it does me. The property is in Oneonta and this is my first year leasing and getting back into hunting hopefully undisturbed. I know that they know where the turkeys have been because that is exactly where they were heading. Just wondering what you would have done and can you suggest what I may consider to deal with this in the future. I'm more concerned at this point of not knowing that someone is hunting on the property when I'm hunting. This is how accidents happen. Especially walking in the woods early before daylight or moving around through what should be private property. From everyone's safety and viewpoint. Thanks but I just had to vent. I'll be out there this coming weekend and may get a nice Tom if they haven't killed them already.
  4. Thanks Law. There are 2 different cams there and I get what you are referring to. Up in Ostego County.
  5. A few of some deer. Snow was deep yesterday but also earlier in March. The first 2 are 3/14 followed by a couple from 3/19.
  6. Are semi-auto's allowed in Ostego County? Just picked up a very nice Remington Woodmaster 750 Carbine in 35 Whelen. Sweet shooting. Feels like I'm shooting my 308 which might have a bigger bump. Thanks
  7. Godd afternoon all. Attached a few pictures from my cams that I checked yesterday. Interesting wildlife other than deer... Also got a few good video shots as well. Looking forward to the warmer weather so I can sit and enjoy being in the woods.
  8. Just bought a Henry 45-70. Yet to shoot it. Nice looking rifles posted here.
  9. Thanks guys. Appreciate the responses. Understood regarding bow hunting, just starting to research all laws, seasons etc. for bow hunting as this will be my first time. Thanks again guys
  10. Just wondering what sidearm is preferred when checking trail cams in the spring or when bow hunting? Thinking more for bear protection. Comteplating either a 45 or 10mm. Thanks
  11. Good afternoon all. I'm interested in purchasing a 35 Whelen in either pump or semiautomatic. If anyone is has one or knows of one that may be available plese let me know. Thanks
  12. Guys thanks for the replies. To answer a few questions- 1-soileauj is my last name first initial-from Louisiana-been in NY for over 30 years 2-Have leased property 3-Mostly wooded property with good hilltops 4-already put trail cams and got doe traffic 5-not really a fisherman I appreciate the respsonses. I was thinking of putting them up in the spring when it warms up a bit. Was out on Friday and it was cold with the wind. My hunting up to this point has been in North Carolina & Colorado. figured it's time to get my own spot. Thanks again all
  13. Good evening all. I've been getting lurking for a few weeks and finally decided to join what looks to be a great site and forum. I'll hunting up in Otsego county and look forward to being able to have some worthy post here. I'm nowhere in the league that you guys are in but I'll give it my best. One quick question, when is the best time to put stands up. Thanks
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