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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Robby

  1. Sound like the Epstein fiasco and the B/S they fed us on that one. Robby
  2. Mark my words, through Dem shenanigans Pelosis' nephew will be the POTUS before Bidens' term is up. Robby
  3. Dino, Hawkeye is about where I figures you would be home based, lots of interest in the old ways over there. Maybe you have been to one of out three-D shoots at Avon Bowmen, this year we offered camping. Robby
  4. Dino, that is fantastic!!!!! That is all I hunted with till I took up muzzleloading twenty-five years ago. I used Osage mostly fo my bows, white or red ash for my arrow shafting, fletched with turkey or goose feathers and broad heads I forged out of old saw blades. I agree, It is most satisfying. I also make the muzzleloaders I hunt with. I'm in the Avon area if you ever want to jawbone about this stuff. Congratulations!!!!!!! Robby
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