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    Albany County

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  1. I might be reading the map wrong , but if you check the dec website at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/40399.html and look at the Wildwood map the legal amount of hunters is 6 not 12 as originally posted and while the season open on October 1 in most of NYS, Wildwood does not open until November 1st.
  2. Thanks to all that responded. Its just a little confusing that you need the muzzleloader privilege to hunt with a crossbow. But I understand it now. Thank YOU again.
  3. Thank You. But do I use a muzzleloader Tag????????
  4. Im trying to understand the NY requirements to crossbow hunt. Let me see if I have this right. I attend hunter education class and buy a hunting license and muzzleloader tag. This entitles me to hunt with a crossbow during the last 2 weeks of the regular archery season in the southern zone, which is the only time I can hunt. I can take either a doe or a Buck with this tag. but not both. I DO NOT need the Bowhunter education class or a bowhunting License. Assuming I only want to hunt with a crossbow during the last 2 weeks of the southern zones archery season. Do I have this right??????? Thank You in advance
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