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Posts posted by Localqdm

  1. I understand the theory of moonlight affecting photoperiodism, (although I think it is so miniscule to the point of no visible affect).  I've wondered though, if the moon theory has any validity, wouldn't the daytime weather affect photoperiodism just as much?  I mean if you get a string of rainy cloudy weather in October/November vs bright sunny days, wouldn't that affect as much/more than the amount of light the moon could reflect. 

    My experience has been last week of Oct through 1st week in Nov, and then right around the middle of Nov are always hot, moon or no moon.  Definitely not a 'late rut' last yr like predicted--in my observation.

  2. NY, I'm not into killing for killings sake.  Its not that I enjoy death or something--that would be sick.  I Just realize that there is a time to kill, (sometimes its necessary) and not only just things that are for eatin.

  3. When I was a kid I somehow managed to shoot a sparrow with my lever action daisy bb gun.  I couldn't make that shot now if I had a hundred tries, but it broke my heart then, to see the bird flopping around.  With almost tears in my eyes I went over and put a few more in him as he bounced around to finish him off.  Now I would shoot every sparrow I could.  I've watched them run off the blue birds I've been trying to get to nest in my yard.  They will start to nest in one of out houses then the sparrows will come in.  This happens over and over.  They do kill bluebirds, I imagine others too.  They breed like rabbits, mess like rats, and destroy native songbirds.

  4. what they wanted to avoid was a police church/state like the roman catholic control in the middle ages or the church of england, etc.  Under these systems the gov't persecuted those deemed unfaithful to the state religion. 

    What was established here was quite different (and good)  in that they recognized freedom for each to worship as they saw right, without persecution, but we were given the right to acknowledge God in every aspect of our lives including government.

  5. Virgil said,"The point was, and still is, that religion has no place in government in this country."

    Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln, etc, openly referenced their religion in their government.

    The Constitutional Congress hired (with tax dollars) a Christian chaplain for the house and one for the senate, as one of the 1st things they did.  Their (general) faith in God was considered to have quite an important place in our government. 

    I just want to know why you have no place for others to include God in the government of this country, as it was set up. 

  6. New threats to our liberty:


      HEALTHCARE BILL!!  Look what just happened last yr in America!!


    Scary thought- everyone having access to health care.  That'll be the end of us.

    UN Convention on the Rights of the Child--will STRIP parental rights in America

    This one, i've got to hear.  Can you please explain?

    If you don't see the abuse of the American people and the constitution in the healthcare bill and how it was rammed through, then I can't convince you. 

    The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is a serious enough threat to our sovereignty and individual rights to warrant a major push for a constitutional amendment, the Parental Rights Amendment.  Sad we have to amend our constitution to block liberal/UN attempts to take our freedom.

    I am not "scared" of the future, but I do try to objectively discern what is going on, and America is not as strong as we look.

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