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    finger lakes

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  1. Without a doubt what irritates me the most while hunting would have to be seeing the wounded whitetail deer.
  2. Scenes like this can be found along many roads in the Southern Tier. Pretty sure stuff like this doesn’t do much to improve the hunter’s image.
  3. Normally I just watch and read but when I read stuff like that I have to add my 2 cents. It’s been a good longtime since I’ve attended a bow hunting course but I do remember the speech about never shooting at running game with a bow and shot placement. I say speech because the wise old bow hunter who gave it made damn sure he got his point across. Might be a good idea if these young men went back for a refresher course. If there was ever a video for how not to hunt with a bow that’s it. It was just dumb luck that both of those deer were fatally shot and recovered. Make one wonder about the others we haven’t seen. Just one old hunter’s opinion.
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