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  • Hunting Location
    Region 4
  • Hunting Gun
    Marlin 30-30 Savage model 11 .308
  • Bow
    PSE Stinger x

Dsltech's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the tip, never heard of that app, I'll have to check it out This is on my list of places to try to hit before the seasons over I've been scouting a bunch of state land near me, tracks look promising
  2. Hi everyone, I'm looking for some land to hunt coyotes on in the capital region. By no means to i want or expect this to transition in to any land for deer hunting in the fall. If you and anyone you know is looking for some predator control I'd appreciate if you would let me know Thanks in advance
  3. Went out with a buddy last weekend for the full moon. Way too cold to want to go out this weekend, hopefully next weekend is better
  4. welcome to the forum. I am in the same boat as you and your daughter, ive done some scouting on public land and some door knocking with limited success keep looking, something will turn up . I also just downloaded the pocket ranger app, it shows DEC points of interest and public hunting areas as well as season information and rules, pretty handy
  5. grampy, i appreciate the warm greetings especially today (-2f) looking forward to some coyote hunting with a friend this weeend and your get together this spring
  6. Thanks for the welcome guys, looking forward to learning and getting out there
  7. Hi everyone, new guy from rensselear. I've been turkey hunting with a former co-worker and now I'm hooked. I'm looking to start getting into deer, turkey and coyote hunting
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