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Posts posted by TheHornHunter

  1. The only buck that I weighed, in the last 10 years, was killed on opening day of sz gun season and weighed 182 pounds field-dressed on a “legal for trade” butcher’s scale.  I only did that to calibrate the PA chest girth chart, which one of our members was kind enough to post on here a few years ago.  
    I can now get a pretty good idea of their weight, and approximate edible yield, using just a tape measure and that chart.  
    In my area (wmu 9F) that’s about the average field-dressed weight of a 3.5 year old buck on that date.  4 or 5 other members (mostly from wNY) also weighed and measured their bucks that year.  
    It seems that the PA chest girth chart consistently underestimates the weight of a wNY deer.  I can only assume that is because whitetail deer tend to be heavier, near the northern edge of their range . The little ones they have down in FL illustrate that pretty well.
    The only antlered buck that I killed last year might have been a few pounds heavier. It’s chest girth measured 1/4” more than the 182 pounder’s.  
    One of the issues with weighing field dressed deer, is that the weight varies so much with time.  When the guts are first removed, well over half of the measured weight is made up of water, which has no nutritional value.  The longer the deer hangs, before it goes on the scale, the more that water percentage drops, and the weight drops accordingly. 
     The chest girth method provides for more time-independent results and better approximation of edible yield volume. I always want to know how many quart sized bags I will need to package my meat, That is a volume, not a weight measurement. 

    Good point about time, I hadn’t thought about before. I’m not sure how much of a difference it makes but I guess a best practice for weighing would be to do it all at the same time. I’ve never done or looked into chest girth method but I’d guess we have more ag than PA so our deer are probably better fed. Thanks for the thoughts

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  2. I'm not sure how many of you guys weigh your deer, but curious what the dressed weight for some of your bucks have been, especially later in the season? I weighed my buck today and he was 155 dressed. I always weigh the meat from my deer after I process it, but I've only ever weighed a couple of my bucks at the pole before and they were from early November so very little rut rundown. Those bucks were 180-210 and honestly didn't seem bigger than this one other than having big swollen necks so I'm curious what other people are getting for weights post-rut.


  3. See, that's where I have to steer you right again.  (easy, easy...just joking)  Pictures of ungutted animals in hero shots are where its at, IMO.   Easily done with a friend to help or a self timer on your phone or camera of course.  Even if you aren't in the picture, pre-dressed pics are great.
    Sorry things got ugly yesterday, here's to better times! 

    Cheers to that and same to you! Only ungutted hero pics in the future

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  4. I don't think there is an active forum member who hasn't at least once had it out on the forum with one or multiple other members on a topic. So it'll roll off like water on a duck's back for the most part.
    This forum does seem to prefer the more open sharing of details and info, pics, etc. For largely positive reasons to celebrate wins, camaraderie, and to learn from experiences. That said, the best practice (to me) seems to be either end of the spectrum - open book sharing or just don't share any personal points/results while sticking strictly to points of conversation. Being in the middle, sharing some or flashes ends up causing issue - IE your doe photo but without context of the gutting. Been there, done that. I'm working toward the latter practice...not there yet fully, but getting there. In full transparency, I am absolutely floored you are posting photos at all. Kudos to you for participating. You'll need to figure out what works best for you.
    All that said, there are several awesome members here which is why I try to still participate.

    Good post, thanks for the thoughts.

    It’s a delicate balance. I joined the forum to find like minded people and share my experiences hoping they would help others as I spend a lot of time chasing deer and have been lucky to hunt with some of the best hunters out there. I make lots of mistakes and hope sharing them lets someone else avoid doing the same and I enjoy learning from others experiences and posts.

    Live and learn… first lesson of 2022: don’t post pics of ungutted deer on here!

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  5. What are the special circumstances? I think you’ve lost just about everyone on this one man. You say you normally guy them all right away, but then argue it doesn’t matter because they don’t do that down south (which is false btw)?

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    When it’s around 40 or below I think you can get away with leaving it over night assuming you didn’t pierce the gut cavity. Now I agree it’s 100% the best option to gut it right away so if I have time that’s what I do… but with this particular doe I couldn’t gut it on the property she was on, was already running late for something after dealing with some other neighbor BS and the overnight temps were around 40 so I felt fine hanging and dealjng with it in the AM. Again, I never brought this up or encouraged anyone else to do it. I’m fully aware I increased the risk with the meat but from my experience I still don’t think it was that material of a risk or will result in anything different than other deer I butcher. I could be wrong and that’s the risk I took. Maybe I’ll keel over and die when I eat it. Who knows.

    My point about the south was I’ve witnessed and ate deer that hung in warmer temps for longer than what I did and would have never known it was any different. Your experience down there sounds different than mine but literally every time I’ve hunted there it’s happened and it’s normal business for the groups I’ve been with to leave them up to a day with the guts in. That doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it that way but it gave me confidence I COULD take the risk of leaving it until the AM and be fine. I’m not arguing you shouldn’t gut your deer so if anyone misinterpreted that I’m sorry. Life doesn’t always go according to plan and sometimes doing what’s the 100% best method either isn’t possible or isn’t convenient and you settle for less.

    Last post on that topic. You all can think I’m an idiot. Don’t really care. It’s my deer, my choice and ultimately my risk.

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  6. You can tell alot of ppl didn't get ther bucks/goals this season. Everyone has blue balls here. Sheesh.
    Not my best season ever but I punched a tag and had a blast. Even after the annoying neighbor BS that continues, I let it bother me overnight and now I'm back to level. I suggest everyone do the same.
    As to the measuring contests - obviously Law has knocked down some good ones, probably one of the most consistent mature buck hunters and deer killers on this forum or NY. More importantly he really is a nice guy and a fellow .243 fan.
    I have met The HH once before at his hunting partner's house whom I know better. I'm going to say this to provide general context and respect privacy as much as humanly possible - don't underestimate or overestimate people's ability or walls based on their posts.
    Both are great hunters. Maybe different strategies/mindsets, etc. but both are great and we should all learn the best from each person here.

    I shouldn’t have made the comment about a measuring contest, it was childish. Law’s comments about my hunting morals struck a cord that I shouldn’t have let it.

    No idea about his background but he apparently has the respect of some members on here that I respect so I’m willing to eat some humble pie and acknowledge my poor response.

    Totally agree on judging. Most of the best hunters I know in NY never talk or share their kills outside their small circle of friends.

    It’s 2022 and time to move on.

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  7. I'm trying to think of a situation that has ever come up where not gutting the deer before leaving the woods with it was the best course of action. I got nothing.
    Or immediately after,the processing is one thing but leaving the guts in? You have no idea what's going on in there. 

    I hope we can put this gutting thing to bed soon.

    I never claimed it was the best and I’m pretty sure I acknowledged gutting it right away is the 100% correct way.

    Just to give some context here as apparently this is a super controversial topic, I didn’t gut it right away because the neighbor has a slew of animals from chickens to goats to horses and I figured it would be polite to not entice a ton of coyotes close to their land. I could have brought it somewhere else and done it but I felt comfortable with the temperate to just hang it until the morning which was a lot more convenient seeing as it was New Years Eve. I know that’s controversial and I respect other peoples opinions but ultimately it’s my decision and I’m fully aware of the risks… I never even brought it up as I viewed it as a special situation for myself but I’ve seen enough other people do it and had enough meat from deer it’s been done to that I was willing to take the risk. You all can make whatever decisions you want with your deer and as I said before, vast majority of my deer get gutted right away.

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  8. Ok-- I have heard enough Alfa Talk from you + The Hornhunter. I know your response is for Just Lucky above.
      Again - come May you + Mr. Hornhunter should definitely  let those 2 Year old Gobblers walk. 1" Spurs are just beneath  you both. 
       Shoot only Gobblers that have Spurs in excess of 1 1/2"s.  If it is all about the Antlers- then it must also be all about the Spurs.
      Wait-- I can School Ya if you need advice. Looky below! And if you have a set longer, we all would love to view them. 
      Now hopefully-- we can all enjoy 2022 and move on.

    Bill - I’ve been very vocal for people to shoot what makes them happy on here. I love the thrill of chasing mature deer and the inevitable ups and downs that goes with it but I know that’s not for everyone. I don’t really care about the size of the antlers and there’s several higher scoring bucks on my properties than the one I killed but I decided weeks ago it was either going to be that buck or nothing. The #1 thing I care about with a buck is a challenge and this buck was the most challenging I’ve hunted and that means way more to me than what his antlers look like. My way isn’t better than anyone else or the way for everyone, it’s just my way. And that’s the thing about hunting… it’s a deeply personal endeavor that everyone does for their own reasons. My username came about when a farmer asked me if I was a horn hunter or a meat hunter and now it’s my nickname from him. In reality I’m both, but I dedicate 90% of my hunting time to big bucks and am fortunate enough to have good ground that I can still fill my freezer and my family’s by spending relatively little amount of time on does.

    Now I completely suck at Turkey hunting so I can’t make any promises I won’t blast the first bird to come out. I didn’t grow up hunting and while I was very lucky to find some great deer mentors the last few years, I’ve got no one that Turkey hunts so I pretty much just make an idiot of myself every time I’m in the Turkey woods. Hopefully you’ll share some of that knowledge you have as it sounds like you’re the resident expert here

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  9. No, you havent. Doesnt mean you aren't a great hunter though.

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    Fair. I don’t know his history and I got a little heated with the comment about my regards for venison as I go out of my way to process it, prepare and give it to people that have never had it and utilize every piece I can. I love pursuing big deer but at the end of the day I love venison and I’m all about filling freezers.

    I have to admit I don’t eat the balls though. I know that was something on here for some folks. I save the heart, liver and tongue. Maybe one day I’ll get there

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  10. Again he gave his opinion wasn’t really a dick. Just think of all that blood pooling in there.. stomach gassed leaching into the hind quarters.

    But yes to each his own and congrats in two late season harvests.

    You earned that deer I’ve seen pics of him a few times from you on here this year.

    I remember when you didn’t recognize him because he’s broken off

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    He came off as a condescending know it all dick. Or maybe I’m just a soft Karen now.

    And thanks… definitely put more work into that deer than any other one and was out most days looking for tracks and other sign trying to pattern him.

    The funny thing is out of the 7 deer I killed in NY this year, only that doe didn’t get gutted and one stupid picture that wasn’t even meant to get into that sparked all this. Vast majority of my deer get gutted, only special situations don’t and New Year’s Eve with the doe was one of those where I felt fine leaving it over night. It’s not like I made some post on here telling everyone to leave the guts in their deer and it was a great method.

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  11. Your blow boy also shot one hell of a spike this year, had a cool story to go with it like most that aren’t comfortable or embarrassed with what they shoot.

    You and I usually see eye to eye on here and are very much alike in many of our opinions but you’re sounding like an idiot.

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    Really? If I was embarrassed about what I shot I wouldn’t have shared it. If anything I hoped it served as a lesson to other members. I was disappointed in myself for getting so close to killing a mature buck and screwing up at the last minute losing track of which deer was which, but not embarrassed. It wasn’t like I could see antlers when I shot. And guess what? I found that buck back and killed him a week later. And I can guarantee you I won’t make that mistake again.

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  12. 9 hours ago, Chef said:

    FYI, you are taking to a guy who has killed some real slammers and most years kills two. There is no need for this hostility he had a valid point

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    How would you feel if someone told you you were wrong on something you dedicate a good chunk of your life to and have done for years? He can tell me he disagrees sure, but to all over the way I do something with MY deer is totally unacceptable and then question my hunting ethics? He has an opinion and I was already fully aware of that opinion before I did what I did and I never asked for it. It was freaking New Years Eve and it hung over literally over night. Would it have been the 100% best way to gut it right away? Sure. But I’ve been doing this long enough to know what I can get away with and can’t and it was fine to do what I did. It may blow your mind, but that meat is fine. You guys don’t wanna eat it? Fine, you’re not invited anyways. You don’t like the way I process things? Great, don’t do it. But don’t be an and act like someone is an idiot because they made a choice you disagree with.

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  13. You obviously didn’t read most of what I said on this topic I said 9/10 times it’s fine.. I said in a situation where it could mean losing the animal of course it’s better to let it lay.

    But why do it by choice on a already recovered animal.

    Is it probably fine sure… but why take the risk.

    I didn’t bash him. Wasn’t rude to him. Im happy for him for the stud buck he shot.

    But as someone who does actually have some expertise on the matter I gave my opinion.

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    I appreciate the manner in which you did, unlike others. We have different opinions but I understand where you’re coming from

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  14. 16 hours ago, Lawdwaz said:
    You didn't have to ask my opinion, bud.  This is a public forum last I checked.......
    You posted a picture of something only a rank amateur would do OR someone with a stage name like "HornHunter" might do as they had no regard for venison.  It is quite evident you are the one full of bullshit. 

    I never asked your opinion. I can guarantee you I’ve put more meat and more bone on the pole than you. I process it all myself so don’t give your bullshit about having no regard for venison. I really wish little key board warriors like you would make comments like this in person…

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  15. 21 hours ago, Lawdwaz said:
    It was done on purpose.   
    Hung high for the neighbors to enjoy in the subdivision.   
    Temperatures were in the high 40’s by 7:30am
    And again, it was dead at the shot.  “Destroyed the heart”.   
    17 hours-give or take with the entrails in.  It’s a hard pass for me.  

    You are one sorry excuse for a human let alone a hunter. Take your petty bs somewhere else. I never asked for your opinion.

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  16. I am sorry and I meant no offense. I agree that some of the others are overreacting a touch.  I only asked about the tenderloins, because several members here have mentioned that they are not overly fond of that cut.  I usually find them to be the best-tasting part of the deer. 
    The only ones, that I wasn’t thrilled with, were those from a probable 5.5 year old plus doe that I killed up in the Adirondacks last October.  One of those was so tough, I could barely chew it when cooked the day after she was killed.  The other was still a little chewy, after 6 days in the fridge.
    I go to extra lengths, to make sure those tenderloins taste as good as possible.  Step one is a quick, clean kill.  Step two is to get the guts out ASAP (butt out helps with that).  Step three is cut the pelvis with a folding saw and make sure the channel is wide open and clear of all piss and shit.  Step four is rinse them good with clean blood from forward of the diaphragm.  
    When I get the gutted deer hung up, I dry them off with paper towels, cut then out, put them in a zip lock bag, then into the fridge in the house.  If they are from a button buck, they can be eaten right away.  If they are from an older deer, they are better after a few days, so that the rigor mortis can pass.  
    These from the 3.5 year old corn-fed buck that I killed this year were about the best tasting and textured ones that I can recall, after 6 days in the fridge.
    I think the reasons most have not liked the tenderloins is: first, they are eating them near the state of maximum rigor-mortis, which peaks 6 to 8 hours after the kill. Second, they are tainted with piss, shit, or gut-juice.  
    Congrats on that beauty of a buck, that you killed at the buzzer this year.  Hopefully,  you get to enjoy his tenderloins and they taste real good.  
    This was the tough old Adirondack mother:
    I had the rest of her ground up there (except for the back straps) and we have not started eating any of that yet.  Hopefully it’s not as chewy as the tenderloins were.
    Many folks talk about pursuing a particular buck, but that old doe outwitted me more times over the last 3 years , than any buck that I have chased. 

    No need to be sorry bud. I love the tenderloins. I have two bad experiences; one I liver shot and the other was a big old doe way past her prime. Both were edible but gamey. I’ve never had a bad one off a buck I’ve killed, even 5+ year olds

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  17. The difference is those are done out of necessity yours was done by choice. Like I said previously. 9/10 times it’s fine. But why choose to treat your hard earned meat poorly.

    We all work so hard for these deer why not treat the meat with the highest of standards.

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    The outcome is the same and this meat will be the same as every other deer I’ve killed

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  18. Now you catching on. Just your site name alone will have some of the petty ones after you and I can 100% promise you that if you start putting up a couple great bucks every year like the one you did today you will be amazed how the ones that can’t or won’t do it come after you.   

    Lol I see that. I’ve never caught so much shit about a damn deer before

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  19. Do you eat the tenderloins after leaving the guts in overnight ?  How is their flavor ?  

    Just like every other tenderloin. I’m really blown away here… I literally blew this deer’s heart out and quartered it the morning after I killed it. I think it was low 40s out by time I got it in my fridge. Would anyone be making a peep if I couldn’t find the deer and came back to find it in the morning? What if I gut shot it and had to leave it overnight or all the bow bucks left over night in 50+ temps? You all are way too wound up tight

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