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So I'm a hunter on the cheap. I'm a big proponent of used and budget equipment when it comes to hunting, after all it's about the cleanest kill, not the most expensive equipment. With that said, my bow is an old hoyt raider, it has wheels, not cams. I shoot 70lbs @31" draw and shoot carbon arrows to maximize my speed (its more than fast enough to kill deer). So here's the issue... I have the bow tuned surpringly well with the generic Allen (i think they're actually called kryptos?) arrows that you buy at walmart individually for about $3-4. The 31" arrows say theyre rated for up to 70lbs and have a 9.6GPI. Weeelllll i decided that it was time for the slightest of upgrades and bought a box of the victory decimators (aka v-force) from Dick's while they were on their anual 50% off sale. I bought the 350 spine arrows and didnt have them cut as they were already 31". I figured a lighter arrow, rated for my draw weight, with actual blazer veins would be an improvment but when i shoot them they fly fast and sloppy and WAY high-left. Heres the thing, these arrows are pretty similar to my allens, the biggest differences are that theyre 8.7GPI and the 31" length is measured in shaft alone, not from the nocking point so theyre about half an inch longer. The thing is, these arrows FEEL like they are underspined for my bow but I cant really figure out how, its an old bow and doesn't have nearly as much speed or power at the release as a modern compound and it says on the box that they are rated up to 70lbs with modern bows. I can only cut them about an inch before my broadhead ends up burried in my whiskerbiscuit, but i don't know if that would be enough to get rid of that sloppy shot. anyone have any similar issues or have any problems with those arrows? For now my plan was to buy a few more of those delightfuly cheap allen arrows but they apparently went on sale near me and i cant find any. Meanwhile Im down to 1 left, and 6 arrows that i cant hit a barn with.
Sure we all have researched this topic, but there may be some who simply rely on the local pro shop or big-box hunting store's expertise (??). Interesting reading all the same!!! Very neat FOC calculator when you input your arrows setup. Informative chart about straight, helical or offset vanes and types vs. arrow useage. Several chapters on different pages which address varied topics!!!