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Syracuse.com - Caz Realtor gets his buck

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He's giving the meat to the Venison Donation Program.

11859803-large.jpgSubmitted photoCazenovia Realtor Sean F. Hagan, who I've written about before, poses with a nice buck his shot Nov. 8. It was an 8-pointer and dresssed out at 182 pounds.

He wrote: "It was my 37th day of hunting this season when I was graced with the presence of this deer that I had missed 3 weeks earlier in the season. It was Thursday Nov. 8th in the afternoon and I was hunting on a property a couple miles south of the village of Caz.

"I was high in a poplar tree above a section of golden rod and thorn apple trees and just down wind of a bedding area. There was a lot of activity with does and small bucks wandering in the area when out stepped my objective.

"He was around 25 yards out and I stopped him In the only shooting lane that I had with a grunt and sent my G-5 Montec into the vital area and he went about 95 yards.

"I will be giving my deer to Marsh Mill Ranch, a meat processor in Kirkville that participates in the Venison Donation Program. Help feed families in the CNY area this year!

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