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Lake Desolation State Forest - Any Good?


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  • 9 months later...

don't know if you are aware that this is posted in region 4,...lake desolation is in 5J

surrounding land isheavily stocked for pheasants, puts a lot of pressure on the area right at start of bow season, continues until end of December, then the deer move back in, lake desolation is not a big area, lotta peole travel that road to work in Toga, so any fresh tracks or deer on road are quickly pestered. its worth hunting if that's the only area near you, beats nothing.

a better area is Parcel 45 over near the wilton mall, full of oak, lotta posted housing developments around it to protect the deer herds, when the bowhunting army comes in from rt 50 they push the deer right out past BJs club, from our stands I can see right in BJs front door, cant miss the ladder stands, they are 2 man stands, feel free to use them, my name is on them and you'll see my initials match the name tags riveted on.....but that is all in region 5....

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