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Syracuse.com - Almost-Annual New York State Crappie Derby postponed on Whitney Point Reservoir due to concerns about mild winter

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The event was set for Jan. 26. The new date is Feb. 9.


<p><strong>The following is a press release:</strong></p>

<p> The 2013 running of the Almost-Annual New York State Crappie Derby is being postponed to February 9, 2013 due to the mild winter experienced so far. The event was originally scheduled for January 26, 2013.</p>

<p>According to the event's coordinators: "We are hopeful this will allow sufficient time for safe ice to form. We will be monitoring weather conditions and forecasts/projects over the next couple of weeks to track ice growth progress. Should it become obvious that sufficient ice is not likely to occur, a cancellation notice with be published."</p>

<p>If sufficiently cold weather returns however, the Feb. 9 date will be confirmed in a subsequent release. </p>

<p>The Derby is a family- oriented event. There are usually far more spectators than registered contestants. Prize categories, such as Door Prizes, exist for those not successful in catching fish.</p>

<p>There is something for everyone: an excellent fishing lake, prizes for fish along with Door Prizes, a midway with a number of exhibits, refreshments and port-a-johns on the ice. Some of the organizations participating will be the Ross Park Zoo (with some live animals or birds), Finch Hollow Nature Center with educational displays and the National Weather Service (with a real-time digital weather station) along with other features.</p>

<p><a href="http://WWW.CRAPPIEDERBY.COM">For updates, check out the event's website.</a></p>

View the full article on The Syracuse Outdoors Blog

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