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Syracuse.com - Volunteers needed for Montezuma Refuge frog calling survey

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Surveys will be conducted at least three times per week, March through August; volunteers are asked to commit to doing a survey at least once per week during that time frame.

The following is a press release:

The Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge is in search of volunteers who would like to help collect information about the frogs and toads that depend on the refuge to survive.

Volunteers will be trained to recognize frog and toad calls, and to collect and record data before heading out onto the refuge to conduct what we’re calling our FrogWatch Surveys.

Surveys will be conducted at least three times per week, March through August; volunteers are asked to commit to doing a survey at least once per week during that time frame.

Three information and training sessions will be held at the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center (3395 U.S. Route 20 East, Seneca Falls, NY) in February: Tuesdays the 12th, 19th, and 26th; 5:30 – 6:30 PM. Refuge staff will talk with you about wetlands, the importance of frogs and toads to our ecosystems and our lives, train you on how to recognize their calls, and orient you to the survey locations.

Attendance at all three trainings is highly recommended. (However, I talked to a refuge spokeswoman this week and she said although the first session was held, it'd be OK to only attend the last two sessions.)

To sign up to volunteer and to register for the February trainings, contact Andrea VanBeusichem at the refuge at 315/568-5987, extension 228 or email [email protected].

This program is the first step in a larger phenology program planned for the refuge. Phenology is the study of the timing of natural and life cycle events (like when frogs start mating, when birds return to an area, or when buds burst open) and how they are affected by climate changes. Frogs and toads are considered indicators of an area’s environmental health. Over the years, this FrogWatch Survey data will help refuge managers better plan for Montezuma’s future and protect the habitats and wildlife we all appreciate.

Montezuma’s FrogWatch Surveys are modeled after FrogWatch USA , a citizen science program that allows individuals and families to learn about the wetlands in their communities, and help conserve amphibians by reporting the calls of local frogs and toads. The data collected at Montezuma NWR will be submitted to the FrogWatch USA database.

For more information, contact Andrea VanBeusichem at 315/568-5987, extension 228.

View the full article on The Syracuse Outdoors Blog

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