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Syracuse.com - Opening day update: Owasco Lake Inlet high and colored

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I got there shortly after noon. There were no reports of big fish caught.

blank.gif David Norte, of McLean, said the fishing on the Owasco Lake Inlet today was slow. David Figura | [email protected]  

I got to the Owasco Inlet just after noon today and reports from anglers I interviewed were unimpressive.

"The water is still cold, it appears the fish are not coming upstream yet out of the lake," said David Norte, of McLean. He said he caught one 12-inch brown trout on a single salmon egg.

John Senecal, of Groton, said he brought his son, Jeremy, and his friend, Mason Hill, up for the morning and early afternoon to try their luck on Hemlock Creek, which flows into the Inlet in Groton..

"I'm not fishing, I'm just taking them out," he said. "They're trying worms, lures -- everything. they haven't caught anything yet.

"Maybe the fish are running up Grout Brook from Skaneateles, but not from Owasco Lake," he said.

Mike Hearns, of Auburn, said he started off the day fishing on Dutch Hollow Creek in Niles, and got down to the Inlet just after noon.

"All day, I haven't had a bite. Not even a creek chub," he said.

Downstream near the village of Moravia, Rich Price said he'd been fishing since 10 a.m. He was using night crawlers as bait. All he caught, he said, was a couple of suckers.

"I did have a few trout bites, you can tell," he said.

He said earlier in the day, there were a lot of other anglers around him, but nobody seemed to be catching much.

"One guy said he saw one swirl that was about 1 1/2 feet long, but that was it," he said.

"I don't know, maybe with the recent warm spell the fish ran up and returned to the lake already."

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