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I apologize for the lack of news as of late. Things have been real hectic for the past month.


First, I have received word that Assemblyman Sean Ryan is in the process of amending his Bill A283 to be the same as S1699A which recently passed the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee and is sitting in the Senate Finance Committee.


As for new news, Senators Patrick Gallivan and David Valesky and Assembly members Sean Ryan and Aileen Gunther have set up a forum on the appropriate manner to regulate crossbows into NY as a hunting implement. There are many State Organization Leaders on the invited list of presenters as well as the DEC Commissioner, the CFAB & FWMB Chairmen, leaders of handicapped sportsmen organizations and NY Bow.


This meeting is open to the public, although the opportunity for members of the audience to speak will be limited by time and number of attendees.


I have attached the invitation that I received for you to read. The meeting is in the Capitol Building Room 124 starting at 10am and is scheduled to run through 11:30. If you can, please come and show your support for NYCC and the expansion of crossbow use in NY for all game, during all seasons where archery equipment is permitted and by all persons.


If you can not attend, please send a letter of support to the legislators that have set up this forum. You can find their contact information at http://assembly.state.ny.us/mem/  or http://www.nysenate.gov/senators.


Are you willing to help NYCC get the word out? We have around 500 members without an email contact. Would you be willing to call 2, 3, 5 or even 10 people when we have an alert so they are informed as to what is going on. If you are willing to make some calls, please reply and let me know if you can help us get the word out.


Best Regards,


Rick McDermott

Crossbow Hearing Invitation.txt

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