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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Tinlodge

  1. This explains the shot placement pretty good https://www.wasparchery.com/blog/turkey-shot-placement
  2. Seems like it will offer a family environment. Instead of your kid asking for jerky,they may ask to be involved in the BB Gun range,or watch how drones are flown around. Deer search will be doing a live track,with deer processing and kids could learn how to fly cast. Just might be enough to get the entire family involved?
  3. http://thebossexpo.com Buffalo Riverworks this weekend.
  4. Also found that if you take a youngen out in warmer,drier weather,you stand a better chance of them wanting to continue. I know! we're dealing with a brand new breed of youngens.
  5. If and when the crossbow becomes a piece of archery equipment,a archery course would be mandated. This is something that NYCC has asked for from day one.
  6. Who Are My Legislators? Not sure who your Assemblymember or Senator are? Follow these links, insert your 911 physical address to find out and get their contact information. Assembly Member Search by Address Senator Search by Address Hint: If you have an address that includes a State or County Route Number, try substituting Hwy for Route. Example: instead of 1234 State Route 234, try 1234 Hwy 234
  7. Assembly Bill A9623 has been introduced by Assemblywoman Gunther. We now have same as bills in both houses with the Gallivan Bill S7005. We need everyone to make phone calls to your respective legislators TODAY. Write a letter,send an email and call your Assembly member and Senator
  8. Be sure you call,write and email your Senator and ask them to support Bill # S7005
  9. Congratulations!!! That's what makes memories
  10. Steady Eddy on a Parker Blackhawk while I'm in the blind,otherwise no,I'll use my knee as support
  11. You are Correct! It's a bow,take the course.
  12. Assembly and Senate Bills Introduced Assemblywoman Gunther And Senator Gallivan introduced A8021 & S5817 Legislation has been introduced in both chambers which would move the crossbow from the Muzzleloader Privilege to the Bow Privilege, which, eliminate the 200 lb draw weight restriction, allow youth to use a crossbow during the Columbus Day Weekend youth Hunt and allow crossbows to be used for bowfishing. These bills do not change any season dates, but these changes are necessary to correct issues that surround the present crossbow language. With the Legislative session scheduled to end on June 17th, we have but 7 session days to reach out to the leadership in both the Senate and Assembly, The Environmental Conservation Committee Chairs, and you personal legislators to request they pass these bills. Please take the time to contact all of these legislators offices by phone, email and even consider writing a letter requesting action on these bills. It was through the diligence of you, our membership, that the crossbow was legalized last year. It is now time to once again rise to the occasion and make those contacts. Not just once, but every day until the 17th. Through everyone acting together we can and will once again be heard. Do you have a friend that would be interested in this information? Forward this email to your friends by clicking here Who Are My Legislators? Not sure who your Assembly member or Senator are? Follow these links, insert your 911 physical address to find out. Assembly Member Search by Address Senator Search by Address Hint: If you have an address that includes a State or County Route Number, try substituting Hwy for Route. Example: instead of 1234 State Route 234, try 1234 Hwy 234 Assembly and Senate Bills Introduced.doc
  13. Never hunted them with a crossbow,so a Parker Blackhawk
  14. Plenty of morels in WNY.,south of Buffalo. Mid to late April according to my "little black book". Magnolia flower pedals are one of my notifiers!
  15. Go out and shoot as many different brands as you can. The bows that look cool in magazines or on the internet may not be a bow that fits you. I went with Parker.There is a dealer within 20 minutes of me in case there is a problem with it.Their customer service has been great at answering any questions that have been brought up.
  16. Here is a pretty good article to read...http://www.americanhunter.org/blogs/crossbows-vs-compound-bows
  17. Very Nice Deer! Congrats!
  18. Whatever groups the best! My Ruger groups the best with 150"s
  19. If its over 200# it is not legal to hunt with in NYS.
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