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Scenting and Does: A question


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So here is my conundrum:


I have already taken my buck for bow season.  It was my first ever deer, and I wasnt wanting to wait.  With the freeze coming, and me heading out early early early tomorrow morning, I am hoping to get in on some of the early rut action!


My main question is this: Since I can't take another buck, should I bother with scents (attractants, not cover) at all?  Will using #69 or dominant buck urine in a drag or a bomb/wick scare away does, bring them with the bucks, or nothing whatsoever?  Should I just save my little orange bottles for shotgun?


Thanks in advance for any advice!



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Please let me also preface this by saying that I am a total noob hunter.  99% of my knowledge is coming from reading up on this very forum and other internet research.  If you get really specific in your answers, I will no doubt appreciate it while scratching my head and wishing I understood what the heck you were talking about!  lol

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my experience is that it will only help.. i have yet to see a deer spooked by any type of lure i have used. doe and/or buck lure. i have seen then nose up in the air breathing it in then just moving along. never spooked. i have had them start to grunt and snort/blow a lot. 

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