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Snow Geese

Al Lunn

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Does anyone have any info on hunting Snows in New York.  I have never hunted snow's and I am looking to this year.  I haven't seen many in the the mid hudson Dutchess / Ulster county areas near where I live.  Is there a part of the State that holds Snows through the winter? Any info would be helpful

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I would imagine concentrations of snow geese winter on the Hudson River near you? I would also think autumn and spring migrators stage on the Hudson River. The Conservation Order Snow Goose Hunting Season extends into spring migration, by the way.


Finding a hunting location and gaining access is an entirely different question and is hard work, don't expect anyone to reveal that info. Disturbance management, including hunting pressure, is what keeps waterfowl hunting locations productive. However few are willing to put in the effort, but  if you are, you can find hunting locations. After you invest the effort, believe me, you wont be advertising where to hunt on the internet.

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