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Hotlogic 400 - Poughkeepsie - $200

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I used it once to test it. It functions extremely well for it's purpose.  You can take items directly from the freezer or refrigerator and put them into this unit and in an hour or an hour and a half the food is ready to eat.  It says it will hold the food at temperature for 12 hours without burning or adversely affecting the flavor. I tried it, it will!   You can use any number of the four available trays and it functions exactly the same as only using one. The only "rule" is that it must be sealed.  I put a frozen vacuum sealed bag of soup in it and it worked great.

Usage of the product can't get much simpler:

1) turn it on

2) wait until the shelf indicators turn blue 

3) Place the COLD food item on a tray and the indicator will change from blue to red

4) When the shelf indicator turns red, it's done (can is there for size perspective)

As simple as that and it WORKS.  No smells, no rush to eat immediately, no adverse affect on the food no matter how long it's in the "ready" state.

My only criticism is that for home use, it just doesn't seem to be very applicable for most, unless you have a houseful of teens on various schedules. It'd be great for that.

Ideally it seems like for a hunting camp or business environment, it'd be perfect. People could put their lunch in the Macrowave when they leave for hunting or arrive at work and whenever during the day that they get back or have time to eat, their food will be hot and ready, perfect to eat and without smelling up the entire area until opened.


Would prefer to avoid shipping but will ship if necessary but the buyer pays shipping.


Ready to use (blue shelf lights): http://i1317.photobucket.com/albums/t621/03bluecoupe/Macrowave/Readytouse_zps85f44f95.jpg



Done (red shelf lights):  http://i1317.photobucket.com/albums/t621/03bluecoupe/Macrowave/Done_zps443d97a4.jpg


The Sprint can is just there for a size reference.


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