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22 States Challenge NY's Safe Act in Appellate Court

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There are 22 States challenging the Safe Act in Appellate Court.  After a Federal Court deemed it Constitutional, other states can now say it is a threat to the entire country.  The decision is being challenged in the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.









Dan Capen 


Former Law Dog

The problem is simple. No one has anything to fear from law abiding citizens, no matter what they own. They are good law abiding people. Contrary to the hype the media constantly espouses. We need only fear criminals and in some cases the mentally ill. It's already illegal for criminals and the mentally ill to own or posses firearms. How's that been working out so far? How about the possession and use of illegal drugs? You can't legislate behavior, or our prison's would be empty. The surest way to end a homicidal rampage is by putting a bullet or several in the perpetrator. That means having firearms in the hands of the people at the first point of contact. You guessed It, law abiding civilians. Well trained Police Officers rarely hit perpetrators without expending multiple shots. So you would make it even more difficult for civilians by limiting how many rounds they can have? Gun fights are dynamic with lots of movement, it's not like the movies. Stress compounds the problem in a life and death struggle, or police would be still carrying 6 shot revolvers! Oh that's right, sometimes the police encounter multiple perpetrators. Don't tell me the police need greater fire power because they will be more likely to encounter bad guy's that are heavily armed! Who do you think reported the heavily armed bad guy's? You guessed it again civilians at the point of first contact. You are alone, on your own until Law Enforcement can arrive. Ask any Police Officer who's called for back-up how long that seems when bullets are flying. The same firearms the police have don't work any less effectively in the hands of civilians. The police are just civilians we entrust and empower with great responsibility! Don't even get me started about the need for arms to protect against an oppressive or tyrannical government. Oh guess what? Civilians can legally own machine guns (some 200,000 do) and even tanks! Some Federal paperwork and fees need to be done and some areas don't allow it. But in many areas it can be done. Do you know when the last time a legally own machine gun was used in a crime? Never!! How about the most deadly of all TANKS, yep never. Woops! I do you remember that guy in California that went on a rampage on the streets until the tank got stuck. I believe he stole it from a military base. I also believe no one was killed. So much for civilians not being able to be trusted with "weapons of war"! 30 round magazines, please! Back ground checks to buy ammo? Nothing less than compiling a list of gun owners! What about the millions of rounds already owned! Oh! that's right, it would be met with resistance and possibly a revolution! (something about a tyrannical government) It's media and government hype! More people are killed with fists and feet or hammers than with firearms! Where is the out cry to ban hammers! How about automobiles from drunk driving (about 10,000 yearly). Less than 1/2 of 1% of firearms related deaths is committed with AR-15's out of about 11,000 yearly. That is murders , suicides and accident deaths. If you believed the media and our President(both proven liars) you would think 100's of thousands were being killed. Wake up America!



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