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Why I plant Winter Rye


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It's due for a replant by the end of the month - yeaup. Long gone to seed head but they are still visiting remnants. Some go by the labor day deadline but in the Tug about a week before seems to pay off. Following that plan last year I had deer in the plot when the Rye was about 6"+ish from time to time. This seems like one of those deals where I'm not sure why they are still hitting it but ok.


Edited by Fantail
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Good question, I was planning to spread 8-10 square of topsoil for the w/r plots then work them. Problem is two more spots on the main trail smoothed out by the skidder but to soft for the tractor. That means about two more 6 wheeler loads of #4 or fill to reinforce the trail before I can get the 885 back into the area again. My gravel guy is nowhere to be found at the moment and I'm about out of time unless I burn some vacation just for the work, too much else needs to get done. So, I guess I'll cut, drop some 3x8 and over seed. On the plus side the job can be more thorough next year.

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