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Memorable weekend


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Hunted Friday, Saturday and Sunday, in Afton / Coventry in 7P primarily for deer but have to say this has got to be one of my more memorable weekends hunting.


Deer wise saw nada in the woods.  Jumped deer in the dark Friday and Saturday morning on the way to the stand and only saw one deer, a yearly doe, at the bird feeder on the way back to the house this morning at 9 am.


Each afternoon, I took my German short haired Pointer Jango,14 months old, out for some grouse hunting, thinking that I wouldn't be in the deer stand all day, and boy do I have memories....


Flushed grouse on Friday and Saturday.  Saturday afternoon I stumbled across someone's weed growing spot on state land and today in an hour saw a fisher and got some video and flushed 4 grouse.  Only 1 shot at grouse all weekend as the leaves are still too thick but am happy my boy is doing well.  A very nice way to spend the afternoon as opposed to sitting in the house eating and watching TV.


Sorry if the pics/video is sidewise.  Fisher was crazy.  I pull up to a spot on state land to hunt grouse where we flushed 1 yesterday as the area was loaded with apple trees, horthawn and multiflora rose.  So as I am about to park and I see a fisher 35 yards off the road going crazy on a dead tree, going up and down and around and around ripping and clawing the bark off.  I guess he chased a chipmonk up there and was after dinner.


So I turn my jeep around and he is still there as I drive back again,  have to find a new spot as I don't want to dump my dog into the lap of a fisher.  And he is still at it.  So I get out, cross the drainage ditch and stalk to about 25 yards from him and got this video.  Not the best but my I-phone was all I had.  Look on the dead tree in the middle of video and he looks like a black squirrel on the tree.  Oh and after we left, hit a different spot and flushed 4 grouse in an hour.  1 shot no hits.  Great day.      




Fisher video 10.19.14.MOV


Edited by agross
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