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Duck Stamp Price Increases Passes Both Houses

mike rossi

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Federal Lawmakers in both houses just passed legislation that will increase the price of the federal duck stamp $10. This is the first time the stamp has went up in price in 23 or 24 years. The legislation awaits Obama's signature into law.


Although I agree the price increase is long overdue, there was a disagreement among federal lawmakers about a stipulation that the additional revenue generated from the extra ten dollars would be dedicated to conservation easements on private lands. I agree with the lawmakers who think that this lack of flexibility is unmerited. The FWS should not be prevented from using any portion of the federal migratory bird conservation fund or duck stamp fund for BUYING land. The fact that they are "separating" any portion of any sort of conservation fund is always concerning to begin with. Do not get me wrong, private land is indeed extremely important to migratory bird conservation. I just don't see the need for this restriction to be put on the FWS. Hopefully this was reconciled in the final legislation and if it was not Obama will amend it.

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