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Koch Brothers Get The Last Laugh

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The campaign against the Koch’s was the result of an ideologically bankrupt party that could not campaign on policy or on the agenda of an unpopular president. Democrats were eager to shift attention away from six years of failed economic policies and a feckless foreign. A rhetoric war against two wealthy Americans was the only campaign tactic the DNC could muster.

Americans didn’t buy into the smear campaign; they rejected it along with Democratic policies in what was a huge victory for the GOP last November’s elections.

While the Democrats tried to paint the right as a being the rich man’s party and the Koch’s for trying to “buy America,” the truth is America’s wealthiest districts elect Democrats, and more billionaires contributed the Democratic party than the GOP last election cycle.



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No one in either party should be able to have the economic influence that the Koch brothers have or that George Soros has, as extreme examples.

No one should be able to buy influence at these levels.

I say this as a registered Republican for the last 38 years. Our political system is broken, the middle class is getting hammered and there are a disproportionate amount of people who are completely blind to what is going on.

There is plenty of dysfunction on both sides of the aisle. We all should be advocating for clean elections and equaling the playing field so we all can participate in the political process in a meaningful way.

Instead of being pawns in Billionairre's Chess games.

Edited by MountainHunter
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What exactly should be done to have "clean elections and equaling the playing field so we all can participate in the political process in a meaningful way."?



Last time, it took a shooting war to settle this problem. I suspect we will continue to slide into a soft tyranny for some time yet. There is no will or care for the future right now. The people will have to face literal starvation or destruction before they cotton on to what is at stake.

Edited by Papist
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Clean elections mean that anyone who wishes to run for office has a set or established and equal amount of money to campaign with. An equal amount of media or television time etc.

Incumbents are reelected at disproportionate rates, for the most part you have to be wealthy to run and have a chance to win any meaningful political office or you have had to sell your soul.

Ideally we need to have our process be accessible and realistic to more than just a chosen few.

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I see what you're saying, but who would pay for that?  How many people would be eligible for that equal time on media outlets?  What about Political Action Committees?  Would they not be allowed a voice on issues in America?


In this country, money is power.  It always has been.  In fact, in most of the world it is the same way.


Should we round up all of the rich folks, take their money and cut off their heads?  That has been done in some countries in the past, but the new power elite have turned out to be much worse.



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