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Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Jade Helm

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Just an FYI for all who may be interested.  I don't care what your personal opinion of the piece is.



“Strange how paranoia can link up with reality now and then.” ― Philip K. Dick, A Scanner Darkly


"The problem arises when you add Jade Helm to the list of other troubling developments that have taken place over the past 30 years or more: the expansion of the military industrial complex and its influence in Washington DC, the rampant surveillance, the corporate-funded elections and revolving door between lobbyists and elected officials, the militarized police, the loss of our freedoms, the injustice of the courts, the privatized prisons, the school lockdowns, the roadside strip searches, the military drills on domestic soil, the fusion centers and the simultaneous fusing of every branch of law enforcement (federal, state and local), the stockpiling of ammunition by various government agencies, the active shooter drills that are indistinguishable from actual crises, the economy flirting with near collapse, the growing social unrest, the socio-psychological experiments being carried out by government agencies, etc.


Suddenly, the overall picture seems that much more sinister. Clearly, there’s a larger agenda at work here, and it’s one the American people had better clue into before it’s too late to do anything about it.

Call me paranoid, but I think we’d better take James Madison’s advice and “take alarm at the first experiment on our liberties.”




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Just an FYI for all who may be interested.  I don't care what your personal opinion of the piece is.





People who are interested can find this stuff for themselves,  but thanks for polluting our hunting board with your paranoid fantasies.   Also, your disclaimer about not caring about the responses means you're just a spammer.

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People who are interested can find this stuff for themselves,  but thanks for polluting our hunting board with your paranoid fantasies.   Also, your disclaimer about not caring about the responses means you're just a spammer.


Anyone can find anything if they're interested, jack wad.  There have been prior posts on here about this subject, but none with so much detailed information.  That's why I said "FYI".  People who label issues as paranoid fantasies have no real knowledge of the subject, or they would offer intelligent objections to the information.


If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb up your ego and jump down to your IQ level.

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Another FYI for the clueless among us, that link, which the clueless obviously don't read, comes from The Tenth Amendment Center.  Hardly what anyone with intelligence would call a paranoid conspiracy association.


The clueless are not too smart, but they think they are.  That's what makes them dangerous!



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