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Study Proves Human Activity has little effect on Wildlife


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​I just read an article that summarizes a great recent study performed by North Carolina State University. The article explains that "the six-state study, part of the eMammal project, used citizen science camera traps to determine whether recreation activity disrupted wildlife in 32 protected forests. Researchers did side-by-side comparisons of protected areas with similar habitats but different hunting regulations, and compared sites on and off hiking trails."


This reinforces the findings in the ​​South Carolina Department of Natural Resourc​es study done twenty years ago that found Raccoon Hunting has no effect on Deer movement. I would like to find the actual study data and see if they involved any parks near me. 


One interesting finding was that while hunted species were found slightly less frequently, predators were found more frequently. Especially Coyotes! What I derive from this is that it is not the activity that impacts the animals. It is changes in activity that impacts them. Suddenly flooding the woods on opening day of Deer season has an impact. Consistently hound hunting the property does not. 


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