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LOL how to make a change....


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So I really did go on about what a bad winter I am afraid we would have...I actually believe that...Though here I sit in the house making salads and checking the web,watching Gotham and researching a few things,why...because it's too dang hot to move!!!  Then Mr B reminded me in saying..." Chris please go mix up some spray and spray some trees" ...See anytime I mix bug killer or round up for that matter and there is no wind...We get heavy breezes the second I hit the drive...LOL looks like all the bad winter  talk brought on summer...should have said something way earlier...:wink::cheese:

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hahaha I wrote this and Mr B who is out side replacing a pull rope on one of my pruning poles says "can you come out here and check this?" sure...by the time I reach the door I hear " WT_! sure, ask her to come out and the breeze we just got stops!"......

good thing we don't live on the West coast or mid west....I'd be blamed for a whole lot of stuff.....lol

Edited by growalot
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