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Was out yesterday! saw two deer briefly way off in the woods, no chance for a shot. During the downpoor which according to the news wasn't supposed to come later in the day, I kicked up a coyote. Thought about it but what would I do with a dead coyote?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saturday, 12/17/11

Hunted same private land in Carmel in the morning. Got to my spot at like 615am, seen nothing by 9am, so I decided to try a slow walk in hopes of success like last time. At 920am I spotted 1 full size deer running on the other side of a stream from me about 150+ yards away, couldnt tell if it was buck or doe. Then I snuck up on a doe and a fawn within 30 yards. Passed on them.

Middle of the day, went to Lockwood Unit (Public Watershed Hunting spot) in Carmel. Saw 2 nice big ladder stands. Is that legal to leave up on public land? Anyway, didnt see any hunters. I was just slowly walking around. Kicked up 2 does at around 1230pm, then 1240pm saw a spike. He saw me and was trotting by, i let out a blaaaaaaap, blaaaaap, and finally he stopped, broadside at 35 yards (my estimate), I put the crossbow scope right on him, and of course the only thing on him that was blocked by tree limbs was his vitals.....lucky guy, he got away. I would have shot him with a gun, but with the crossbow I didnt think it would have made it through the branches, so I didnt risk it.

2pm - dark was back sitting in my spot on the private land in carmel, and saw nothing.

Last day of deer season for me tomorrow, will be hunting in Putnam Valley on private with one of my brother's friends....2 man ladder stand, it will my first time hunting out of a tree stand.

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Sunday, 12/18/11

Hunted out of a treestand (2 man ladder stand) for the first time in my life over a small food plot in Putnam Valley on private property. 615am - 930am, nothing. Went back in at 2pm. 330pm had a button buck at 30 yards, passed on him. 4:55pm as we were about to get out of the stand, had a spike come under the stand, but it was too late.

Oh well, NY Deer Season is over for me this year. Maybe next year with the crossbow.

Now its off to Northern Minnesota on 12/26 for a Bobcat (if they get snow!)

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