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The one i have.Bushmaster will tear the heck out of some ash bark.Are they legal on stateland?I used a loggy buyou up till this year and that thing didn"t leave a scratch.

Is there a way to cover up the teeth in the front to keep from chewing up the bark?

Like a rubber hose or something.But then it might be dangerously slippery.IDK.

The summits teeth are pretty dull too compared to others like the Feild and Stream model from dicks.

I know this is all the kinds of stands you can get nowadays.Ones with knarley teeth.

Do you think that it really hurts the tree to scuff the bark up?

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I actually have the same stand. I was thinking about sharpening the teeth on it but since I have never had it slip on me while climbing I decided not to. Most climbers leave some kind of marks on the trees as you climb but I dont think that it should hurt the tress that much.


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