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Syracuse.com - Memphis 'stay-at-home mom' shoots a 4-pointer with her bow

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This is her third season bowhunting. It's her first deer.

10241435-large.jpgSubmitted photoC.J. Brunelle, who descibed herself as a "stay-at-home mom" living in Memphis, poses with a 4-point buck she recently harvested.

She wrote: "I took this gorgeous 4 point on Saturday, Nov. 5. I am 31 and a stay-at-home mom living in Memphis.

"This is my third season bowhunting and this is my first deer harvested. I purchased a brand new Mathews Passion over the summer and spent a lot of time target shooting and practicing from a tree stand.

"My husband Ryan is also an avid bowhunter and he taught me a lot. He was excited to hear the deer was shot just 6 yards from my stand. He weighed 160 pounds. Just an exciting experience overall and I can't wait to get out next season.

" We look forward to sharing this and other outdoor experiences with our two young boys, Nolan and Chase."

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