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Syracuse.com - Recent Ice fishing outing on Otisco Lake is a family affair

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Check out these photos. A couple and their three daughters all cashed in. "A family that ice fishes together stays together," the mother wrote.

10604250-large.jpgSubmitted photoElizabeth with her catch.

Amy Spin, of Auburn, sent me these photos and this story this morning about a recent ice fishing outing on Otisco Lake, one of the few areas in recent weeks that has had safe ice.

She wrote: "I have attached a couple of pictures of three of my daughters who went out on an ice fishing adventure w/my husband and I on 2/19 on Otisco Lake.

"We were so excited to get out on the ice!! My daughter Anna, 14, caught her first tiger muskie through the ice. Lilli, 9, caught 1 bass and Elizabeth, 7, also caught a bass.

I also attached a picture of my husband Scott and I as we both hooked into some Bass and a couple of Tigers. We had so much fun!!! My husband and I have been ice fishing together for about 20 years. We are now passing our passion onto our 5 daughters. A family that icefishes together stays together :)))

All of the fish we caught were released back into the water.

10604256-large.jpgSubmitted photoSister Lilli with her bass.

10604259-large.jpgSubmitted photoxxxxxx

10604262-large.jpgSubmitted photoMom with her impressive largemouth bass.

ice5jpg-5061095d5bac19cc.jpgSubmitted photoThe family had a good time.

View the full article on The Syracuse Outdoors Blog

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