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Syracuse.com - Syracuse man shoots pronghorn antelope (with a camera) while visiting Wyoming Air Force Base

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"The base has literally hundreds of these antelopes roaming free. There is a fenced perimeter, no hunting and no one is allowed to interfere with them so it is like an animal preserve for the 'lopes," he said..

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This is a bit far afield, but I found this story and photo sent in by Paul Pflanz, of Syracuse, to be quite interesting.

He wrote: "This is a large, pronghorn antelope buck taking his ease on the lawn of the Recreation Center at FE Warren AFB in Cheyenne, Wyoming a little over a week ago.

"We were visiting our daughter-in-law and granddaughter (daddy, our son is an Air Force LTC and Psychiatrist serving at Bagram AFB in Afghanistan). Our daughter-in-law is also an Air Force LTC.

"The base has literally hundreds of these antelopes roaming free. There is a fenced perimeter, no hunting and no one is allowed to interfere with them, so it is like an animal preserve for the 'lopes.

"This guy was lounging no more than 20 feet from the curb as I stopped to snap his picture through the car window. He couldn't have cared less."

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