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China and the World Bank

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Like any investigation, one piece of evidence and/or information sometimes leads down a trail of facts to the truth.

China is NO friend to the United States of America.  Most notably was their support for the enemy in the Korean War and Vietnam War.  Their support and defense of the rouge nation of North Korea whose dictator is a deranged murdered and slave master.  The list on the evils of China are lengthy. 

So I came across this: https://www.foodsafetynews.com/2021/03/world-bank-approves-loan-for-china-food-safety-project/

The article states “The World Bank has approved a $400 million loan to help China improve food safety management and reduce food safety risks.”

To put it mildly, the Chinese government’s food safety system is laced with corruption, incompetence and criminal secrecy.  So like I said in the first paragraph, “one piece of evidence and/or information sometimes leads down a trail to the truth”.   So I took a look at the World Bank.

So here are some facts:  https://data.worldbank.org/country/united-states?view=chart

The article states that the United States of America “Paid in as of December 31, 2013 $13.40 billion”.

OK, let’s look at China:  https://data.worldbank.org/country/china?view=chart

The article states that China “Paid in as of December 31, 2013 $91.80 million”.  So China gets a loan for $308.20 million MORE than they ever contributed. 

As an example of how China is a world enemy is to look at their merger contributions verses other nations like Canada as an example:


The article states that Canada “Paid in as of December 31, 2013 $3.08 billion”.

Obviously China is using their wealth for other purposes like building a fake islands (https://www.newsweek.com/china-south-china-sea-islands-build-military-territory-expand-575161) and build a powerful military.

So here is the problem.  Why are the politicians in Washington so supportive of the World Bank?  The contributions made by the United States of America is paid for by Americans.  China is an enemy, but the politicians are unwilling or unable to take decisive action to weaken this threat to world peace and freedom.  Strange how most politicians by education is in law.  Strange they do not use their investigative skills to do their job, protect the American people. 

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