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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by luberhill

  1. Looking at 2 different low cost , 100.00 cameras one is Spybot Link and Tactacam Revel Have you ever used either ? Feedback ? thank you
  2. I have a 200.00 basspro gift card to put toward a crossbow.. whats a good decent starter
  3. Ok I printed the form for crossbow hunting and I understand it’s the last two weeks of regular bow.. and I need a muzzleloader tag.. but ... can I kill a buck or doe ? And what tag or tags do I use ? Then I can still gun hunt ? seems confusing
  4. Ok I sold the sling and swivels and sling mounts Still have the scope, mounts, screws and hammer spur..20.00 shipped
  5. I have a Simmonds scope with see thru QuickSite mounts, all the screws, also nice tooled leather Hunter brand sling with swivles and mag tube mount and stock lug hammer spur The scope has a small dent on the eye pc butnit doeant hurt the function 50.00 or BO for all
  6. I already have my licenses just never now hunted... now my boss has a Centerpoint Tournmetor Wisper 380 that he said I can have for free... are these decent ?
  7. I have a 200.00 BassPro Cabelas gift card I would like to put toward the new xbow... what brand would be a decent ny compliant with a decent scope ?
  8. So you answered NO to the last 14 day question ??
  9. So,,,I need a muzzleloader tag to xbow Hunt? and I need to sign that cert and carry it with me ? Is that as easy as it seems ? and it looks like souther Zone I can use it the last 14 days of reg bow? can I kill buck or die ? what tags do I use ? then can I use it after Gun is over and muzzle loader open again? what is a good brand to get ? ive never bow hunted before but would like to be able to get into the woods before Gun opens thx for the help
  10. Humm how many acres is woods ? Road frontage ? And cabin or buildings ?
  11. Looking for a 94 30-30 non safety model ,,, AE or older price , pics I’m near Syracuse so we can do an FFL near there thx
  12. Do you use the one that is a flat foam pad or the one like the old Hot Seats ?
  13. I forgot to bring mine in last season and something chewed it to shreads ! any ideas ?
  14. Looking for wooded land in Cayuga Cty would like 30 acres or more pm me what you have thx
  15. Well again I mowed the Timothy in late September so it wasn’t real high.. if I let it go this year it probably won’t be as high as the goldenrod around it,, maybe I should mow it in August or July then by November it will be tall ??
  16. Is the doghouse a “ hub” style ?
  17. I own a 6 acre pc that is bordered on two sides by farm fields and across the back by a big pc of woods. i have a box blind facing the woods but about 2 acres between me and the woods behind my blind is a 150 ft deep x 400 ft long patch of woody skrub etc the deer tend to bed in this patch, I’ve killed does the last few years either crossing my field from the woods or jumping them out of the skrub behind my blind..but rarely see a buck, the 2 acres between my blind and the woods is mostly weeds golden rod and some Timothy hay etc, it gets 6 ft tall i usually mow it in late October... ive been told do not mow it let it stand head high and just mow a couple paths from the woods to the shrub behind my blind because the bucks won’t cross the open Field during the day... but by mowing I thought it created food nice new grass etc.. it got covered with snow early this year... not sure how best to handle and and all info is appreciated
  18. Looking at the Ameristep Doghouse...anyone know a good ground blind for one person ?
  19. So would there still be beans left at this time of year or say November ?
  20. So if I want to plant corn as a food plot on an acre or 2, is there any easy way to do it with out plowing, disc, etc ? And if I left it standing would it reseed itself ? How about soybeans ?
  21. I understand its illegal to bait deer, but I hardly think anyone could or would fine an 90 yr old man with birdfeeders in his back yard with sunflower seeds in it that the deer come and destroy....I love to hear a judge fine someone that cant feed birds in their yard...
  22. Thought I was gonna get skunked this year , 1 hr left and bang !
  23. looking into one...any good or better brand? What is the cost for the cell service ? Do they work well ?
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