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Everything posted by luberhill

  1. I have one stand just inside the woods on a fence line , another at the opposite end on the same woods facing a wooded ridge with huge hay field to my back. and my ground blind is set up in the woods about 150 yards from the edge in the small clearing amongst thick dense woods with a creek behind my blind about 100 yards
  2. I went over today, right on the point of the triangle of trees is a trail going across to the hay field on the right of my pic there is a clump tree 10 ft from the trail I could tuck into but it’s awful close to the trail .. there isn’t really a good spot to even put a stand and be able to see much
  3. Wonder if once gun season opens if that will move them around more and maybe push them back into the thick stuff
  4. I have a pc of woods I’d like to hunt but don’t have a stand . it’s a 5 acre triangle of woods with open hay field on one side , a trout stream and scrub on the other side,, not too confident sitting on the ground or a stool ... ever had success that way ? I’ll post a shit if the land
  5. In the woods about 100 yards in from an open field there are like three intersecting trails
  6. Couple weeks ago I had lots of bucks and does on my camera... nothing since... it’s in the woods about 100 Yards from the edge of an open field im sitting in my blind which has been up for over a month not seeing anything should I be on the open field ? it’s a huge field , hay , about 50 acres
  7. I layer with long Johns , pants and then Onyx bibs .. On cold windy days my upper body still gets cold ..I have long John T under a sweat shirt with Onxy parka.. wonder how those heated vests are
  8. I’d like to buy some hunting land / woods near cayuga county , any idea best way to do this ? I’ve tried realtor .com and craigslist not much help
  9. Well where my blind is I had gotten lots of doe and buck pics two weeks ago ,, it’s 30 yards off where there trails intersect . In the last week or so only one for pic .. now it’s possible if they are traveling the one trail they are going behind my camera. this area has had tons of rubs every year in the past .. I’ve only seen one fresh this year ..maybe too soon because I usually saw them during gun season.. this pic is near my blind.. I think the blind may hold my sent better ?
  10. From the cut hay field to the creek is all down hill except where my blind is there is a small somewhat level area, then the other side of the creek is straight up hill STEEP
  11. I do have a stand there but trouble is when deer come up the ridge trail they are almost at eye level.. they seem to ignore the blind . I was thinking that stand 1 where I was last night may be worth going back to tonight if that doe is hot and still in the area
  12. Ok the area is hilly , and ridges and trees with a trout stream running thru, the area to the west of the creek is straight up hill after the first 50 yards. my stand number 1 is half way up a hill next to a ridge .. last night I saw a buck chasing a doe across the creek while in stand 1 my ground blind is in a small clearing next 50 yards from a dirt ridge stand number three is on the edge of a huge cut hay field facing a wooded hill leading to a ridge .. im going back tonight thinking I should sit in stand 1 again if that was a hot doe thoughts ?
  13. They were too far away but I wonder if they or he will still be j that area tomorrow .. it’s In woods not open field
  14. 76 degs ,,, I’ve tried the woods and open field edge of woods ... I can’t believe rut is on
  15. My box blind is only 8 ft off the ground. The hay field next to me they sprayed weed killer on and the deer always feed there in the afternoon .,, now it’s all dead .. so I mowed my field that is making tall weeds and golden thinking it may draw them
  16. So use range finder ,, 20 yards from tree aim as on the ground
  17. WTH with this 73 deg weather ... I had a buck close by grunting but never saw him ... saw 6 nice turkeys .. Went back out this afternoon till dark .. nothing
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