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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by luberhill

  1. This sucks,,, I see tracks covered in snow so I know they are moving at night... Then I head home at noon and see deer in my neighbors back yard eating out of his bird feeder at noon ! Maybe I need a bird feeder Only upside is I’m seeing the routes they travel ... now weather they will still use these next year ??? Maybe tomorrow people will start pushing them around i assume they are moving at night because I’ve seem zero during daylight hours and I’m out every day
  2. I see these heated vests, 139.00 with charger and two batteries... wonder how well they work sitting in a tree stand when its 15 degs ...I cant take the cold like I used to..
  3. Yea it’s sibthick when they are coming down the trail and I’m above them now so I do t think they are seeing me... i can’t go higher the tree is too small , lol i may try placing it down hill on the bigger tree even though I may be eye level or close it’s better hidden
  4. That's the problem..the winds most times the wind is west...so its at my left side when in the stand...but...the deer come into the spot from the south and north...I cant really get the wind in my face and watch the trails in this spot because to get west of the trail I would be on a VERY VERY steep bank...
  5. I drive the NYS Thruway all the time and see stands RIGHT NEXT to the road !
  6. Time is ticking and no deer yet...I hunt what you would call a gully.. I have a tree stand that I killed a buck out of two years ago but the placement is tough...first there are very few BIG trees, I have it on a small tree...the shooting rails creeks sometimes if you move just right...and its very close to the intersecting trails...im thinking too close. There IS a nice BIG ash tree that is away from the trail but its on the down side of the hill/trail and im thinking I will be more eye level with the deer , although it is about 30 yrds from the trail... there is only once somewhat level spot too...again the whole area is a gully up both sides, all wooded except this one small spot...but I have seen BIG bucks in here and tons of rubs/scrapes. Im now thinking maybe a ground blind ?? Like an Ameristep Doghouse...brushed in on the level spot about 30 yards from the trail ??
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