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Posts posted by 9jNYstarkOH

  1. 1 hour ago, Belo said:

    I have lots of eyes on the property. It's being approached from the neighbors. I just don't know which one yet and of course as others have found, even with picture evidence, the authorities rarely seem to do shit about it. 

    Maybe try sending certified letters to all the neighbors you suspect could be the ones trespassing. Or that might only make it worse depending on the type of individuals you are dealing with.



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  2. 1 hour ago, BowmanMike said:

    Eh,maybe you are right. @Shoots100 has a point too,humanity as a whole is never going to get their stuff together to avert whatever is going to happen,so we might as well go full steam ahead and have a good time doing it. 

    Let the kids and their kids deal with it...

    It’s hard to see your perspective if you are not willing to answer questions. Now I agree the climate is changing but also know it has changed a lot in millions of years even before humans. Do humans cause climate change yes but at what levels and what should we do about it is the question.


  3. 1 hour ago, BowmanMike said:

    there is plenty of food to feed the world,it is not being distributed because of profits. 

    you usually have better post than this one...pretty ridiculous twist on the benefits of co2. I am aware of the biology involved. At the same time that extra co2 makes trees grow faster but the lumber is crap compared to trees harvested over 100 years ago. Fast growth does not equal quality. 

    Too many people on the planet anyway...

    66 million years ago co2 level where 4 times higher than today. What year have you decided is the gold standard at which we should gauge the climate? Why did you pick said year? Too many people on the planet is a bold statement, how do you believe we should reduce the population? Fast growth in lumber may not equal quality but I was talking about food growth. 

  4. 10 minutes ago, ADK Native said:

    Biden to Cancel $10,000 in Student Debt; Low-Income Students Are Eligible for More


    The article states “By some estimates, however, it could cost $300 billion or more.

    $300 billon or more! 

    Instead of wasting that money on college students who were not smart enough, did not learn enough or are just plain lazy to pay THEIR debt, that money is needed for real American problems, NOT theirs. 

    That money should be used for better security at schools to protect children, for more and better trained police officers, a more secure boarder to prevent illegal entrance into America, more prisons for the violent criminals, more mental health care to prevent suicides and violent crime, and drug addict rehabilitation camps so we do not have over 100,000 people a year dying from drug over doses.

    300 billion is a low ball number. 

  5. 1 hour ago, DoubleDose said:

    Ask yourself, if they are a viable option rather than a novelty, why is the government NOT changing over all their vehicles?  Seems they should lead by example!

    The government is trying to go with a EV fleet. I am not into all electric vehicles but I do think hybrid technology with regenerative braking make sense.



  6. 3 hours ago, BowmanMike said:

    It isn't an all or nothing situation. The way we are living is a cancer to this planet. It doesn't have to be that way though, we could try to follow some of nature's laws...

    We are not separate from nature and can only ignore it for so long.

    Long term prognosis is we will be gone and the planet may recover,or maybe not.

    It is quite remarkable how much we managed to fuck it up in a couple of hundred years though. Seems like the bill is coming due.

    I can agree that humans are slowly trashing the earth but I am also slowly trashing my living room carpet just by using it by living in my house. The major greenhouse gas that is claimed to cause climate change from fossil fuels is carbon dioxide. High carbon dioxide level are great for plants and that is why it is pumped into greenhouses for some very high profit plants. Why would we now with the earths expanding population want to slow the production of food growth potential. What we need to do is stop turning food crops in to fuel. Now If you are trying to get the thruway garbage cleaned up by the able-bodied people already getting tax dollars I say it’s a great plan and a great place to start. 

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